Raquel was back in character now. "You don't tell me I can take my pick. I take it anyway."

"Yes, mami," Alexa said, almost grovelling.

Raquel opened the lid of the wooden 'toy box', which was almost as long as the bed was wide. Inside were all manner of items that could be used to restrain, blindfold silence the goddess, something that they both got off on. This particular night, Raquel pulled out several of the white bondage ropes first of all.

"Ohhh, so you are going to tie me up," Alexa gushed.

"I am. But since you won't shut up I think that needs taking care of first."

Alexa could barely lie still, such was her excitement as she waited to see how mami planned to silence her.

From the toy box, Raquel produced a leather gimp mask. It had a zip up the back and zip-up eye holes. There was a ball gag inside it, so that when the mask was zipped tightly onto the wearer's head, the ball would be forced into their mouth.

"Sit up," mami ordered forcefully.

"Oh my. We've not used that for a few weeks."

In fact, they had only used the mask once before, Raquel recalled. Alexa had presented it to her almost as a gift. Now was time for its second outing.

"Open your mouth," she ordered.

Alexa obeyed, and Raquel pulled the mask over her head, simultaneously making sure the ball gag was properly inserted into her mouth. She then zipped up the back, pulling the mask tight, but not uncomfortably so. The eye holes were already zipped closed. Only Alexa's nostrils were exposed, allowing her to breathe.

"Okay?" Raquel asked. Bondage had to be safe as well as enjoyable, and she wanted to be sure her partner was getting air.

"Mmmmm," Alexa moaned, a positive-sounding noise.

"Good. Now sit still while I tie you up."

After a couple of months of experience, which had started with some tutelage from Alexa, Raquel was good at safely but securely binding her lover. She began by tying Alexa's wrists together behind her back. Next, a longer rope was wrapped around her chest below her breasts and around behind her to pin her arms in place. A third was then added around her stomach and wrists, pinning her arms even more securely.

"Now lie down," Raquel instructed.

Alexa obeyed, and Raquel pulled her shorts down far enough to expose her.

"Mmmmph," Alexa moaned in anticipation.

"Shut up," Raquel said sternly. The surprise she had in store was still to come. But first, she tied Alexa's ankles together. Retrieving two more ropes from the toy box, she used one to bind Alexa's legs below the knees. Now it was time for the finishing touch.

Raquel had put her purse on the bed after walking into the bedroom. Now she opened it and took out a brand new vibrator. There had previously been a good one in the toy box, but it had died the last time it had been used. Now, Raquel put the new vibrator in place for Alexa, enjoying the delighted muffled noise she got in response. She then used the remaining rope to tie it the vibrator securely in place. The muffled noises of excitement showed that Alexa couldn't wait for it to be activated.

"That's tonight's surprise, goddess. No sex now, I'm just going to leave you like this for an hour or two, then we'll see what happens when I come back."

With that, Raquel switched the vibrator on. She stood for a moment to savour the gagged noises Alexa was making before leaving the room and closing the door. If it was possible to lock the door from the outside, she would have done that too. A new lock for that door was something to consider buying.

Inside the bedroom, Alexa's mind was being blown. Mami had masked her, gagged her, bound her comprehensively and tied a vibrator to her so that she couldn't have stopped it exciting her even if she wanted to. To heighten her own enjoyment even further, she pretended that the bedroom door was indeed locked, not that she had a hope of getting to it anyway.

This was domination to an extent that only mami could offer. She knew it wouldn't be long before she was driven to the first of the night's inevitable many orgasms.

"Mami!" Alexa tried to moan in ecstasy. The ball gag muffled the cry and made it incomprehensible, but that was a good thing.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on the opening chapter. I found it encouraging.

Last time, we saw Alexa in charge of Raquel at work. Now we've seen the exact opposite in the bedroom. Let me know if you'd like me to make a full story out of this. I do have some ideas I could work with to make that happen.

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