Chapter 11 Greed and Selfishness

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Clint kept on looking at his phone, undeciding if he would call Cristine. It was already evening and no news from her yet. She didn't inform him of the time she was coming home. It was pouring outside and he was worried as Cristine didn't bring any umbrella with her.

Finally having the courage, he dialed Cristine's phone number. It rang for a long time and she didn't answer. He tried for a few times and it was the same. He furrowed his temples, annoyed. He threw his phone on the sofa and decided to go take a shower.

After eating lunch at the hotel, the group of friends decided to go to a karaoke house. They spent a couple of hours there before deciding to go out for shopping.

Cristine checked her phone and was shocked to see 15 missed calls. She looked at the caller's ID and her fingers trembled. She hurriedly called back. After a few rings, the phone was answered.

"Hello?", Clint's voice sounded soft but crisp.

"I'm so sorry I missed your calls. We were having so much fun and I only checked my phone just now."

"That's alright. Where are you now?"

"We just came out of the karaoke room. We are planning to go to B Mall."

"Oh. Okay. It's pouring right now. Be careful."

Cristine somewhat blushed, "Y-yes".

"It's raining so hard. I guess we have to go by car. The bus stop is far from here.", John said. His voice is naturally loud so Clint was able to hear him from the other end of the call. "Alas, only Josh brought his car. We can't all fit in it. I guess the others can take a taxi."

Amy, "Yeah. The others can go ahead. We can take a taxi."

"I don't mind waiting for a taxi, but it's raining so hard. We will have difficulties waiting for one", uttered Larny.

Clint, "Where are you again?"

Cristine was distracted by John and forgot she was still talking to Clint. "Oh. We're at Shin Karaoke."

"I'll come. You need a car ride, right? Wait for me."

Cristine ended the call. She didn't want to reject Clint's kindness so she agreed to him. "The others can go ahead. Those who couldn't fit can wait with me. Someone is coming to give us a ride."

"Oh? Who?", Larny asked.

"I'll introduce him once he comes." Cristine smiled.

"Okay...", Larny grinned.

Amy, John, and Cristine waited at the entrance of the karaoke building. Thirty minutes passed and a car parked in front of them. Clint came out with an umbrella. He was wearing casual clothes, a knitted long sleeved grey sweater paired with a pair of blue jeans.

John whistled, "Who is this handsome man?"

Clint arrived in front of them and gave Cristine a slight smile. He looked at the other two and nodded in greeting.

"This is Clint", Cristine introduced him to John. She turned to Clint, "This is John, one of my friends."

Clint extended his hand for a handshake and John accepted it.

"Nice to meet you.", John said with a smile.

"The same to you", Clint replied with an amiable face. "Shall we?"

He gave the umbrella he was holding to Amy and John before turning to Cristine. Cristine stepped near him and shared the umbrella which he was already using. Clint held her shoulders and pulled her closer. He tilted the umbrella to Cristine's side making sure she will not get wet.

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