Part 2

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Her shoulder hit the ground first, immediately dislocating. Not that the pain mattered much because her head (despite hitting the ground after her arm) still hit the ground. Knocking her unconscious immediately.

Darkness. She didn't dream for the first time, she notes to herself in the dark expanse.

Y/N: "Am I dead?"

She asks to herself in the darkness.

???: "No"

A voice replies. It's loud, masculine, but unnatural.

Y/N: "Then where am I?"

???: "You are unconscious in my abode."

With the voices admission she jolts upright. Her shoulder throbs in agony, it's displacement obvious. Grabbing at her shoulder she groans.

Y/N: "God damn always something to fuck up your day"

She gazed up at the hole she had fallen from. It was a steep drop 4 meters or so. She spends a moment reflecting on how lucky she was that she didn't land on her head.

With no realistic ways to climb up she looks around the short room she find herself in. It's all stone at this depth with a slight ramp of stone leading deeper.

She gages her options. Either go deeper into the unknown or stay with the light and try to climb out of the well. The throbbing in her shoulder made the decision for her. There is no way she could even TRY to climb with her shoulder messed up as it is.

With no other choices she descends into the darkness. Scooting on her butt deeper and deeper. Thankfully for her sanity, a bluish green glow guides her forward.

As she continues to scoot the room opens up into a roughly circular chamber. About 3 meters tall with a small pool of water in the center. She enters the chamber standing on the large stone walkway around the glowing pool.

She edges towards the lip of the water. Looking into the glowing light.


A huge cracking noise makes her jump back. A new light assaulting her eyes that were already adjusting to the darkness. Her hand darts up to cover her eyes.

Between her fingers she sees the wall has split wide open. The stone moving like flesh. The light begin to dim allowing her to lower her hand. Her hand doesn't even reach her side before she freezes.

An eye stares back at her. A huge unnatural eye stares unblinking. It's height spans from ceiling to floor. It's human like to an uncomfortable degree.

???: "Be not afraid"

It's says directly into her skull. It's words have a warmth to it, feeling like a stream of comfortably warm water. The voice soothed the headache that had been building ever since she had first fallen.

She can't help but relax, but the fear keeps her on edge.

???: "I sense your fear, I desire not to harm. I apologize for my monstrous appearance. We must tend to your wound."

A tendril much like a root shoots rom the wall behind her. It wraps around her arm and shoulder tightening. She panics and struggles against the pain building her arm.


she yelps loudly, as her shoulder is forced into place with a popping noise. The roots retreating as quickly as they had appeared.

???: "I am sorry. It had to be done."

She held her shoulder managing to stay upright through the pain.

Y/N: "thank you... thing"

She looked though her messy hair at the creature in front of her.

???: "You may call me what you want, why are you here?"

Y/N: "aren't you omnipresent or something?"

???: "No... far from it. Besides this is a conversation isnt it?"

Y/N: "yeah sure it is, but I don't usually talk to monstrous eyeballs that live in stone."

The entity ignores her obvious joking.

???: "You never answered. Why are you here?"

Y/N: "well I followed a cat. like I do in my nightmares and then I fell down here to summarize at least."

???: "You dreamt of this place?"

Y/N: "every night."

???: "I-I am sorry"

Y/N: "Why would you be sorry? You've fixed my arm and other then being a creepy fucker in a wall. You have yet to do anything bad?"

???: "I've caused your dreams from my needs. I apologize again."

Y/N: "okay first of all your causing dreams in me? How- like-... actually now that I think about it that kind a makes sense. You've been talking in my head the whole time so you must be psychically strong. So... I guess the only question is... what is it that you need that will stop these nightmares of mine?"

???: "I... need a mate."

His voice sounding unsure almost nervous at sharing this need.

She begins to laugh loudly, speaking though her laughter.

Y/N: "mate how? your an eyeball."

???: "please don't laugh... I have tendrils all throughout the area. I can grow them however I desire and transform them into whatever I desire."

Her laugh calms.

Y/N: "Why would you even want to mate with a human or me?"

???: "the woman who used to leave here discovered my existence and showed me the pleasure of companionship. Both friendship and cardinal desire. In exchange I rerouted minerals to her crops and help by manipulating soil, animals anything she needed."

Y/N: "I was under the assumption she was older and passed away from old age?"

???: "No, no. She was in her early 30s when she passed. I'm unsure of how she passed but I have mourned her. I suppose my... desires have been getting out of my control affecting your sleep."

She is worried that this creature may have killed the woman, but the idea of shape shifting and getting to mess around with a creature that can shape-shift. Is undeniably attractive to her.

Y/N: "Okay. Fine, I might mate with you. Show me what you can do."

The entity shoots a tendril out of the wall. It's thin root-like shape is barely visible as it skitters along the floor. Stopping on the opposite side of the room, on the opposite side of the pool from her. It begin to grow taking on shape.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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