01 ; camilla

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My body shook in fear once again as thunder struck repeatedly through the terrifyingly beautiful night sky. I darted my eyes around the slightly dimmed bedroom, trying to locate my brother's small figure in the lack of light. I could hear his footsteps and whimpers coming closer in my direction. Phew.

"Cam, Cam!" He cried, his arms were flailing, looking for me. My lips curled upwards when his eyes locked to mine, I could just hear the wails of relief coming out of his mouth.

"Parker," I smiled. He proceeds to race towards me, launching his body to mine while his small arms wrap around me. "I-it was so cold.. and so loud.." He sniffles, tears swarming, threatening to spill. My heart breaks, I vividly remember him trying not to cry while Pa kept arguing with Ma, to the point they both ended up leaving us children on the spot. Bringing Parker closer to me, he squirms, my warmth now shared with his. Gosh, his body was cold.

"It's okay, Park, you're with me and you're not going anywhere," I rubbed his head while the striking storm continued.

"It's okay, Park, you're with me and you're not going anywhere," I rubbed his head while the striking storm continued

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Hot sweat runs down my temple. It's today. My heart thrums in my chest and I felt so excited yet nervous at the same time. I place my hand, clutching the fabric of my work uniform and a giddy grin forms on my face. It's today! My first day working at a job ... at the local grocery store..

I shrug. Technically, it's to help with my job in the police force. I barely get work assigned, so this should do. How else would I get my income to support myself and my younger brother, it's not like money fall from trees.

I felt a sigh escape my lips. I hung my bag over my shoulders in a casual manner, my eyes throughly rummaging the contents of my bag incase any important items are absent. Pshh, oh please! Me, the most diligent, non-forgetful girl, forget?

I laugh silently (the neighbours gave me a weird look for some reason) and close the door behind me. Parker peers over the miniature door hole, waving his hand at me. "Come back safely!" He exclaims, and my thumb raise in response.

My eyes were then blinded by the abounded light of the rising sun. A soft, light blue painted the canvas-like sky and clouds floated above. A perfect reminder to look forward to a tomorrow, and not dwell in the past.

My past..

I shook my head.

With those thoughts forcefully shoved to the back of my head, I leaped forward every step my feet take. I could make out the bold lettering of Koles from a distance, and the tight sensation in my chest comes back with all the nerves that gather just from the sight of my job.

Inhale, Exhale, Cam. The rest of the walk was insufferable, the loud silence with the exception of my feet thudding on the pathway draining all my previous excitement, but instead replace them with a new founded feeling of dread.

Uh oh, what if I mess up? What if when I help a customer I spill food all over them? What if I mess up? Oh shoot — what if I get FIRED?!

My breathing quicken with every dreaded, invading thought. Only a quick whack to the head, I figured. I hit, the thoughts turning into, to put it quite frankly, ouch!

I hissed from the sting. And not only did my head throb from a hollow-sensational pain, my stomach was quick to seep back the consuming butterflies, clashing around my internals.

I'm only 14, why do I have to work to provide for my family?

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

It's only normal to have a present mother and father figure. Isn't that what family is?

Guilt eats away my running thoughts. That's right, Parker needs a reliable person to provide for him. A family must consist of a present parent. It's the foundation of F-A-M-I-L-Y, family.

I'm not enough...

My gnawing thoughts gradually came to an end as I trip over the automatic entry door. My eyes adjust to the millions of lights that scattered the tall ceiling, to the cashier section that adorned the thousands of isles that run throughout the eternal room. Way different than the police station.

This, my dears, is the magical place called Koles!

I was quick to spin upright my heel, my head bumping into a solid surface.

Ooo. What a muscular, solid, comforting table..

I jumped at the sound of a masculine voice. "Watch where you're going next time."

Uh oh.

A/N;HIHIISISISI FELLOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! police agent disguised as a grocery store worker lmao

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HIHIISISISI FELLOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! police agent disguised as a grocery store worker lmao

I started this story after about a year on having a writer hiatus. My brain capacity, my writing skills, my overall experience and vocabulary is very low so I appreciate it if you civilly point out my mistakes & give feedbacks/comments! Really makes my day yk💗‼️

I also don't have a proper schedule so I'll post whenever haha

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