Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounters

Start from the beginning

You nod, impressed by the efficiency and organization of the department. It's clear that the ICT Division plays a crucial role in the smooth operation of the hospital, from managing patient records to ensuring that medical equipment functions properly.

As Shimizu introduces the members of the Information and Communications Technology Division, you listen intently as she points out Ms. Yana Ai, the head of the hospital's system, and Ms. Yoshida Honoka, her assistant.

Shimizu is about to move forward to the next office when she remembers that she hasn't seen the manager of the ICT. She turns to Yana, who is also the Assistant Manager, and asks about their manager's whereabouts.

"Cooped up inside the server room as always, you know him being also our network security specialist--" Yana's response is interrupted by the opening of the server room door. All eyes turn towards the doorway, where a striking figure with gray locks emerges, engrossed in a phone call.

Your heart skips a beat as recognition floods your senses. It's him—the man you had once been engaged to, your ex-fiancé, whose presence had left an indelible mark on your life.

With a mixture of surprise and apprehension, you watch as he ends the call with a frustrated sigh, ruffling his hair in agitation. The familiarity of his actions stirs up a whirlwind of emotions within you.

Sugawara's attention shifts to the group gathered before him, his smile faltering for a moment as he takes in the new faces. But as his gaze meets yours, his expression softens, a flicker of recognition crossing his features.

"Ms. Shimizu! Hi, there," Sugawara greets warmly, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than the others. His voice trails off as he locks eyes with you, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of your familiar (E/C) orbs. "(F/N)," he murmurs, the name slipping past his lips almost unconsciously.

You feel a surge of emotions welling up inside you at the sound of your name on Sugawara's lips. It's a name that holds so much history, so much shared laughter and tears, joy and heartbreak. With a heart heavy with the weight of your unresolved past, you meet Sugawara's gaze, unsure of what the future holds for you now that your paths have crossed once again.

The tension in the room is palpable as you and Sugawara stand face to face, your shared history hanging heavy in the air between you. The curious glances of your colleagues only serve to heighten the discomfort, as they observe the interaction between the two of you with interest.

"Uh, (F/N)?" Sugawara's voice is barely above a whisper, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

"Do you know each other?" Shimizu asks, her eyebrows raised inquisitively as she glances between the two of you. The sudden tension in the room does not go unnoticed by the others, who exchange curious looks amongst themselves, wondering about the connection between their new colleague and the manager.

Feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on you, you take a deep breath, forcing yourself to maintain composure despite the turmoil within. "Uh, hi there, Kou--I mean, Mr. Sugawara," you reply, your tone carefully neutral as you address him by his formal title, attempting to mask the familiarity that still lingers between you.

Sugawara nods in acknowledgment, his own demeanor shifting to a more professional tone as he responds, "Hello, (F/N). It's good to see you again."

With a polite smile, you return the greeting. As you stand there, surrounded by curious eyes and unspoken questions, you can't help but wonder

how you will navigate this delicate balance between your personal history and your professional responsibilities.

As Shimizu's question hangs in the air, you and Sugawara exchange a brief glance, silently acknowledging the shared history that connects you. It's a moment fraught with unspoken emotions, the weight of your past bearing down on you as you stand before your colleagues.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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