Chapter 2

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After my meeting with Jonas Leah showed me around and eventually we ended back at our lockers, "so how are you liking London Bella?" Leah asked as we walked to the pitch "it's alright but i don't really know anyone" I replied. "well the girls are really nice so im sure theyll be good to you" she said "hopefully i left man city because they were rude so lets hope this can be a new place" i answered but we were at the pitches now so this conversation would have to continue at the lockers after training.
"ok everyone we have a new signing on the team her name is Bella be nice everyone!" Jonas yelled and we begun training. "hey I'm Beth nice to meet you!" another blonde spoke to me "Nice to meet you I'll be right back" i walked over to 3 girls who were messing around and squirted one with water, "OI YOU COME HERE" she yelled while laughing. I ran away and she chased me down and sprayed water more than i did to her, then we started talking.

"Leah... hello" Beth was yelling at me, "huh what Beth?" i mumbled back, i had got distracted watching Bella and Kyra have a water fight, " I said you're staring at her" Beth said once more "at who?" i turned to face her "BELLA oh my lord do you ever listen?", "hey i heard my name what going on" Bella yelled as she came over sopping wet "nothing." i said sharply "oh alright then ill go back over here" she mumbled. I hadn't realised how i said it til i said it, "wait Bella" i yelled out, " yeah?" she yelled back " the girls are coming to mine tonight you up for it?" i asked her "yeah obviously we gonna PARTAY" she yelled and kyra joined in.
Beth: hey what time are we coming round to yours Leah?
Leah: come around 5:30-6 alright?
everyone: yeah all good Le
I walked up to Leah door and knocked a couple times, i was running a bit late as i couldn't figure out what to wear but i ended up wearing a skin tight black dress that wasn't too slutty but wasn't too casual "hey come in Bella everyones here already," Leah showed me through her house and into the lounge where everyone was "BELLA" Kyra screamed and ran towards me "oh god" i groaned "I didn't know we were babysitting" I laughed and everyone joined in. I already felt like arsenal was my home and id been there less than a week "right what should we watch? you guys choose and I'm gonna cook up some popcorn" Leah spoke and walked off. I leaned into the couch and watched Leah in the kitchen "anyone want a drink?" Beth asked everyone said yes apart from me "hey Bella can i have some help?" Beth asked me "yeah course Beth" i walked in and got the drinks but i carried about 7 and everyone looked shocked at me "what?" i asked "you carried about 7 glasses in one trip" Katie perched up "yeah i used to work at a bar a couple years back," i replied. Leah walked in with popcorn and sat next to me on the couch, after a while Leah fell asleep on my shoulder and i must've drifted off as well.

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