Episode 9 Final (Season 1 Final) - Home Coming

Start from the beginning

"WHAT?!" Racheal exclaimed in anger.

"What?!" I heard the others exclaim in shock.

"Uh, what? Ex- Excuse a what now?" I questioned in shock.

"This is not fair. Excuse me for speaking out of turn, Duke Liam, but I've been assigned to be Guardian to this Dimensional Universe for two years, you can't just back out of this!" Racheal screeched.

"We understand that, Barronness Racheal. But this was a council decision. We'll discuss this when we get back to the Academy. But it's most likely that you'll be transferred to the Dimensional Universe that Crystal would've gotten," Duke Liam spoke up.

Racheal huffed, letting out a small smile. "Yes... Duke Liam," she forced out.

"Good," Duke Liam nodded before turning to me. "I'll return to collect from Beacon Town in a month, state from your deal between you two. But the council will decide what'll happen with both of you for breaking the rules, in your own ways. Racheal, let's go. We'll talk more at the Academy,"

Racheal nodded, walking toward the portal. Before she walked in, she turned back and gave me a murderous glare. I got shivers down my spine, knowing that this wasn't the end of this at all.

And with that, she walked into the Portal.

Duke Liam turned, heading toward the portal. "Oh, one more thing..." he turned to face me. "Your friends and everyone you've met in Equestria, Beacon Town, and the worlds in this Dimension will remember you and keep their memories,"

This caused my mouth to drop open in shock. "R-Really?" I stuttered.

Duke Liam nodded. "Yes, good day, Barronness Crystal,"

And with that, he walked through the portal and it closed behind him.

After a moment, I turned to my friend's with a teary smile. "It's over..."

Axel and Olivia grinned, rushing over and pulling me into a hug. "Yeah!" Olivia cheered.

"It's nice to have you with us, Crystal," Axel commented.

Breaking from the hug a few moments later, I spotted Otto and Harper sending me a comforting/proud parent smile.

Celestia and Luna came over to me, with small smiles on their own. "I can't believe it..." Luna muttered in disbelief.

"We're proud of you, Crystal," Celestia spoke, placing a hoof on my shoulder.

I sent him a small smile, looking over to Jesse, Lukas, Petra, and Ivor, who were absolutely beaming. I walked over to them, pulling them into a hug, which they returned.

"I can't believe it's over..." Petra muttered in disbelief.

"After all this time, we finally have a way home," Ivor commented.

"And we get to keep our memories too," Lukas stated.

"And Crystal... We won... In the best of ways..." Jesse smiled.

We all pulled away from the hug. I placed a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "Come on... Let's go home,"


Back in our regular armour and getting our inventory returned to us, we decided down the stairs back into the Portal Hallway. While we were doing so, Lukas told the story about how he took down PAMA to Axel and Olivia. "And that's when I yanked PAMA's Redstone Heart right out, hragh! And the whole thing shut down!" he finished just as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Man, you guys have had some crazy adventures. So many people trying to kill you," Axel commented.

"Goodbye, Jesse! Goodbye! Thank you!" a yellow team member waved to us, heading through a portal to her home.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Episode 5-9 {Lukas x OC}Where stories live. Discover now