Part Two

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It was four days after the snake left, and Harry missed it, even though they had only talked for a few hours. He was curled up on his mattress after Vernon had given him a beating a few minutes ago for not having the Saturday lunch ready on time.

He had two black eyes, a few cracked or broken ribs, and his ankle felt like it was twisted. He had blood running down his face and chest frown where the fat pig had broken skin. He couldn't keep his eyes open and kept drifting in and out of the darkness.

He heard the faint knock of the door, then the steps of his uncle heading towards it. He heard voices but couldn't register them; they all blurred together in his dizzy state.

He heard a faint scream, and then the door to his closet opened. He heard more hurried steps before he felt someone turn him onto his back and groaned at the pain of being moved.

A vial was held to his lips and his head slanted back as the contents were poured down his throat. His throat was gently massaged until all the liquid was swallowing the person then carefully picked him up.

Harry finally gathered the strength to open his eyes and was met with black. He blinked but was still met with the same. He closed his eyes again, deciding that he couldn't be worse than he already was.

Harry woke up in a nice, soft, comfortable bed. He opened his eyes slowly and was met with silver and green decor. The room had a dresser, a table, and a chair, another armchair next to the bed, a bookshelf, a door leading to the balcony, and a fireplace with a couch in front of it, on which two people were sleeping, one on top of the other.

"H-h-hello," Harry called softly and the figures didn't move.

#Fleshy baby hatchling is awake,# He heard a hiss and looked over the edge of the bed to see the snake from a few days ago.

#Where am I?# Harry asked as the snake raised its front half of the floor.

#My master's house. You helped me gain my freedom, and I am doing the same,# The snake said as it made its way over to the couch; it wrapped its tail around the ankle of the man on the bottom and pulled.

Both men fell off the couch with a groan. The one on top stood his back with his back to Harry, but The teen saw the unmistakable greasy hair that he would recognize anywhere.

The man turned to Harry and froze as onyx eyes met green. The other man stood, glaring at the snake. "What the hell was that for you..." He started but was cut off.

"Tom," Severus said, and the other stopped talking and looked dove at the potion master. Then, following his eyes, he saw the shaggy-haired green-eyed boy staring back at them with an open mouth.

"P-professor?" Harry said hesitantly, surely it couldn't be the two people who hated him the most that saved him.



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Word count: 508

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 8 am

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