Black Carnation: Part 3

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"Here's the list Avery." I said waving the list in the air while descending the steps from the boy's dormitory. Avery and Mulciber were talking while sitting close to the fireplace. When they heard my voice, they turned their heads to me and smiled.

"Yay! Thanks Sevie!" She said happily.

"No problem." I said finally reaching them, and sat on the black leather loveseat across from them. Avery took the list greedily from my hands and scanned it. She finally gave a wide grin when she saw the last line.

17. Smoke Bomb - creates smoke to hide in- 10x10 ft. radius

18. Burning Potion - drink and it allows temporary fire enducing touch

"Thanks Sevie!" She said and hugged me. I gave her no hug back. There was only one person I would ever hug, and I wasn't about to waste my time hugging Avery.

"You're welcome. Get off me." I said firmly. 

"Sorry Sevie." She said in disappointment. She slowly let go of her hold on me, and sat back down next to Mulciber. Mulciber just looked between the both of us, and smiled.

"You two are impossible. Well, Avery and I were just talking about a prank we were going to pull on your little friend James Potter." He said with a grin.

"No pranking! We will not stoop down to his level. It will just provoke him to do more evil to me. He doesn't on you, but he does prank me for sure. Haven't you noticed?" I exclaimed looking at both of them in disbelief.

"No worries Severus. He won't know it's us." He said nonchalant.

"Yes he will! Everyone else at the school loves him! A rule breaker who is delighted to find himself famous. He's just an attention seeker, that's all, but everyone else just seems him as a modest, likeable, and talented boy. He'll figure out who it is, and go after me. I can't stand that Potter and his dimwitted friends!" I said with disgust in my voice.

"All right. Calm down Snape. We won't pull any pranks on him or his friends, but if he does something to really make us angry, he'll get what he deserves." Mulciber said firmly. 

"Fine." I said. There was no way I was going to win that fight with Mulciber, no matter how hard I tried. Although, I did have my ways on how to get back at James Potter myself. I must plan it very soon. I want to hold Lily in my arms this week. That only leaves me with three days so I can do it on Saturday when we go to Hogsmeade. 

"Avery, Mulciber. My deepest apologies, but I'm going to go lie down for a bit. I'll see you two at dinner." I stood up and grabbed my list from Avery's hands, then walked up the steps back up to my dormitory.

"Later Snape." Mulciber said. Avery just remained quiet and I saw her whispering to Mulciber from the corner of my eye. They better not be planning anything too dangerous, or we'll get expelled for sure. I signed, and went to rest my head on my pillow. This plan of mine better work or I don't know what I'll do. Let's see. I need to find a way to get Lily and I alone together in a place where no one can see us. Second, I need to get rid of Potter and his criminal friends and distract them somehow. Thirdly, Lily needs to come with me out of her own free will or else she'll never stay by my side. Very trickly ingredients, but I'm sure I can make the right potion with it. I know I can't convince Lily to just come with me leaving Potter behind. She's too sweet and pure for that. Maybe if I trick her and tell her an emergency has occurred back that'll never work. Either way, if I ask her to come with me, Potter and his friends would either follow or sneak by to eavesdrop on us.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I can't tell Mulciber or Avery about this or they'll get...ideas. If Potter could just disappear! Wait...that's it! If I can make Potter disappear, his friends would be interested, and want to disappear too! But wait. He could follow us in secret then. No matter what I thought of, Potter could have a way around it. I'll get him somehow, I just have to. I have to...

My mind wandered a bit longer, but my exhaustion took over me. I let my eyes flutter closed and slept.


"Severus? Wake up! It's time for dinner!" Mulciber was shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes, and from what I could tell from the window, it was nighttime. 

"Thanks Mulciber." I rubbed my eyes.

"No problem. Let's go, I'm starving." His stomach growled in response.

"My apologies. I slept longer than I thought I would." I got up from the bed quickly and planted my hair down, and adjusted my robes that had come lose while I slept.

"Like I said, no problem." He said and the both of us walked to the Dining Hall. Once there, we soon spotted Avery and sat down next to her.

"Nice of you to show up. The food appeared like fifteen minutes ago! Come Sevie, you can sit next to me if you like." She said and looked back down at her plate of food. Mulciber sat down a few feet away from her, leaving enough room for me to sit in between.

"All right, I guess I have no choice now." gloomily, I sat down in between them and started piling food onto my plate.

"Well of course this food is delicious! I'll pretty much eat anything that looks this good!" I heard Potter saying from the Gryffindor table. What a loud buffoon. Doesn't he know that foo can also have poisons or spells put to them? So stupid...and yet...that's it! I can use that fact against him. He said he'll eat anything that looks delicious. I know, once we're in that store with dozens of treats, he'll face one of them and if I can slip a forgetful spell on it, he won't remember which way is up or down. Very interesting, he'll forget about it. Then, I can just ask Lily to come talk with me for a second as friends...yes, that's what I'll do. My plan, although simple, is slightly brilliant. I can't wait till Saturday comes.

I looked over to the Gryffindor table and found Lily looking absolutely radiant. She was laughing and talking with her friends, sharing smiles with them. She turned her head slightly and she saw me noticing her. She smiled at me. I smiled back at her and she turned back to the conversation. This Saturday...I'll have more than your smile. You'll see, my precious Lily.

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