Chapter 4- I play guitar

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We both get out of the car and I lock it then we walk into her house.

"Welcome to the Buckley residence" Robin says.

I look around and I can see the kitchen, living room and the stairs. It's small but it's so cozy and I love it.

"I love it. It's so cozy" I say as I look around.

"I know it's not the biggest house, but we like it here and I think it likes us" she laughs and I laugh too.

I love her humour.

"I'll show you to my room and then we can get changed out of these stupid outfits." Robin says as she leads me upstairs to the bedroom furthest down the hallway. 

She opens the door for me to walk in. Her room is awesome- it's a true reflection of her.

Black walls covered with posters of artists and random things, her bed with grey sheets and grey pillows nestled in the top right corner of the room. The window right next to her bed, curtains parted on each side. She has a bedside table with a lamp, an alarm clock and a photo frame of her and her family. Next to her bed on the other wall next to the door is her wardrobe and opposite her bed is her little dressing table with a bit of makeup, lots of jewellery and chapstick, accompanied by a record player next to it, with a stack of vinyls on the floor beside it. Next to the stack was a guitar. I didn't know she played guitar. The light was a warm yellow and the room felt so cozy and I loved it and I didn't want to leave.

"Robin- I love your room so much, it's really amazing." I tell her

"You don't have to be so nice you know, it's really nothing special, lots of people have much better and bigger and nicer rooms than me-"

I put my hand on her arm to stop her talking herself down as I say "but it doesn't need to be big, this is a great size and it really reflects your personality and it's super cozy. I love cozy rooms."

Robin blushes. "Really?"

"Yes" I smile

"Thanks y/n" she says as she heads over to the closet and picks out some clothes for me to wear. She gets an oversized shirt and tracksuit pants and asks if that's ok. It belongs to Robin Buckley and I would wear any piece of clothing that she owns, so of course I say yes.

She turns around for me to get changed.

"I'm gonna wash my face in the bathroom, make yourself comfortable and I'll be back in a minute okay?" Robin asks softly.

I can't get enough of her voice.

"Okay" I smile.

I get changed then walk around her room, admiring every little thing she has. I take a seat on her bed and it's so comfy. The room has a nice smell to it, something I can't really describe, but I love it. I hear the door open and see Robin walk in.

"Heyy y/n" she smiles.

"Hi" I chuckle.

She opens her wardrobe and picks out some clothes to wear. Then she gestured for me to look away as she changes. I close my eyes, resisting the tiny urge to look. She puts on an oversized shirt and baggy shorts, and she makes it work. I really can't take my eyes off her now.

"What should we do?" I ask

"Well no one really knows this but I play guitar as you may have seen and I'd like to play a song for you if it's okay?"

God Robin cannot get any more amazing.

"I'd love that" I say.

She smiles and grabs her guitar and sits on the bed against the pillows and I sit opposite her. She strums the guitar and makes sure it's in tune.

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