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Dayvon sat on top of the black metal table at the park as he watched his homeboys roll dice

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Dayvon sat on top of the black metal table at the park as he watched his homeboys roll dice. It was a sunny day in Chicago, yet Dayvon still wore a hoodie. Atleast he had on shorts instead of sweatpants. He pulled his hood further down his face feeling a headache coming on to him. It had been a week since he left the scientist house. Since the experiment ended up failing, she let the male go.

The machine whirled and shook as Dayvon close his eyes. It felt like it was shaking for an eternity as the scientist screamed in excitement from it working.

Suddenly the machine started to slow down as the light dimmed and the whirling stopped before it was completely off.

Devastated, the woman threw down her clipboard and pulled the glass door open tilting Dayvon up right so he could stand, pulling off his EKG monitors and his ventilation mask. He walked out the machine as the woman sat down in a slump.

"It's over you can leave now." She looked saddened as she sniffed.

He wanted to comfort her but not knowing how he just stood there and they stared at each other. She got up and handed him his hoodie back. "Your shirt got ripped i'm sorry." was she said. Dayvon put his hoodie back on as he nodded and then walked up the stairs and out the house.

Ever since he had left Dayvon would get this terrible migraines that would last at least a hour maybe two. Due to Dayvon's nature he never tried to sleep it off or relax. He tried to continue his day until it got to the point where the boy could barely see by then it would be almost too late and he would pass out and wake up at his apartment.

Dayvon stared in the distance kicking his feet which sported "Bordeaux" Jordan's 7, As he watched the kids on the playground play tag with each other. He looked over in the field watching the teenage boys play football. Smiling as he continued to
look around his block. It seemed to be a nice day on the block, no one arguing or shooting had took place (yet).

Dayvon closed his eyes, grunting feeling the migraine coming on. He quickly dimissed himself from the group not wanting to be outside any longer with his head pounding like it was. He started his walk back to his apartment, taking all the short cuts his knew. Mid way through his way, He took a left instead of a right to his apartment. He kept walking in the direction of the scientist's house.

Walking up the stairs, his head throbbing with pain at this point. He knocked on the door as hard as his could due to all his strength going into standing up in the moment. She answered, looking at Dayvon who was holding his head. He stumbled inside.

"You got something that could stop my head from hurting so much?" He questioned. She sighed as she walked into the back for a brief moment as Dayvon flopped on the couch, holding his head in his hands.

"FUCCKKKK" He groaned loudly. His head was killing him as he closed his eyes as tight as he could. He was in a grave deal of pain. He felt as if this was his karma biting him in the ass.

"I wouldn't even wish this shit on my opps, on foe'em grave." He mumbled to himself.

The scientist came back as she handed him to pills, She walked out the room to get him some water but before she could he swallowed both pill whole.

He got off the couch stumbling out her house. She ran out after him trying to stop him.

"Dayvon! I wouldn't suggest you trying to walking home like that!" She yelled after him. As he stumbled down the street turning in the alleyway. He waived her off.

He continued walking as long as he could before he collapsed on the floor. He blinked a couple of times before he fully fell asleep.

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