Chapter 2

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BullFrog turns to walk out of the alley way, motioning for you to follow him, he moves carefully and deliberately, avoiding any unnecessary noise that could give away their position. The two of you manage to slip away without further incident.

"So where are we Going?" Y/N said

BullFrog glances at you for a second with a sly smirk, before replying casually to your question: "Oh, I know a safe place. Come on, it isn't too far from here."

"Oh Okay.." Y/N said as she follows him

With that, the two of you make your way through the twisting alleyways, ducking behind trashcans and slipping past curious pedestrians, making your way out of the crowded market district. After a short while, BullFrog leads you through a darkened side street, turning down a few more winding alleys before finally stopping.

"Why do we Stop?" I asked Bullfrog

BullFrog looks at you for a second before answering your question:
"We're entering the Brotherhood hideout now, but we need to be as quiet as possible, okay? Stay hidden and don't make a sound."

I nod my head*

BullFrog nods at you with a slight smirk, before walking up to the small building's metal door and slowly turning the handle, he eases the door open and slips inside, disappearing into the darkened room.

As you two enter the hidden lair of the  assassin brootherhood, the sight of the many ancient artifacts, weapons and other items of historic significance takes your breath away. A wide variety of items are displayed throughout the room, representing centuries of the brotherhood's work and expertise in taking down corrupt authorities and protecting the people.

"This Room is so big and filled with all anicent artifacts of all big Assassins" Y/N was amazed by all the artifacts*

Bullfrog goes to Chair and sits down*

"How Bad is your'e Leg hurt?" I was asking him*

BullFrog looks down at his leg for a moment, before replying casually:

"Ah, it's nothing serious, it'll probably heal in a few days. But that's not important right now, what's important is that we're safe now."

"Yeah but.. we should clear your wound" I said*

BullFrog smiles at your concern as he answers you:

"Yes, you're right, let's get my leg treated."

I gently clean and wrap his wounded leg, BullFrog sits quietly, trying not to show his pain. He seems grateful for your help, but he's trying not to acknowledge it.

"So is it better?" I asked him*

BullFrog takes deep breath, trying to contain his pain as he replies with a slight wince:

"Y-yeah, I think it's fine. It still hurts a bit, but it will heal in a couple days, thanks. I... I really appreciate your help, you know."

"Thanks Bullfrog, so.. do we have idea where our target did go?"

BullFrog considers the question for a moment before responding:

"Well, it's hard to say, but there are several possibilities. He could be running back to Eden, or he might be hiding out somewhere nearby. Either way, we should stay vigilant for now. We don't want to let him get away."

BullFrog sighs, thinking about the situation.

"I don't think it would be wise to venture out right now, especially since my leg is still healing."

"Can i ask, how did you get Into the brotherhood?" Y/N said*

BullFrog pauses for a second, as if thinking about how to respond. After a moment, he speaks with a sense of pride:

"Well, it was a long time ago now. But I was accepted into the brotherhood when I was just a child, I was trained from a young age to fight against injustice and corruption. The brotherhood is my family, and I am proud to be part of it."

"Interesting, so.. do you need anything?" Y/N said*

BullFrog looks at you for a second, thinking about your question. After a moment, he replies:

"Um, maybe some water would be nice. But other than that, I don't think I need anything right now. Thanks for asking though."

"Okay, i get you some water" Y/N said as she goes to the Kitchen*

BullFrog smiles appreciatively as you leave to get him water.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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