
197 7 1

Jan 2024

A notification buzzed Romeo's phone, making his eyes trail off his TV and onto his phone.

Who was texting him this late at night?

5'8 nicky


It was Nick, one of his good childhood friends. 

"Why is Nick texting me at 11 pm?" Romeo thought to himself.

hola papi

Romeo turned off his phone, but not even a few seconds passed; he got another notification from Nick.

5'8 nicky

wants to be on the podcast?

Romeo stared at the message

5'8 nicky

please, we miss you

Romeo answered back

whos we?

5'8 nicky

the group

so is that a yes or no




at 7 

my house don't be late 😉

Romeo liked his message. He turned off his phone and went back to watching YouTube.


It was the next day, about to hit 7 pm, and Romeo was on his way to Nick's house. He was about 10 minutes away, he decided to call one of his good friends, Larri.

"Hello?" Larri said through the phone.

"Larri! Guess what". Romeo says putting his phone down and on speaker.

"Whaatttt". Larri said

"Im going to be on a podcast". Romeo says, turning into a different lane.

"And no invite?" Larri asks in a sarcastic tone

"You don't even follow them". Romeo says about to pull up to Nick's house. 

"And? Better be mentioned". Larri says

"You will, anyways Im here, bye, you better watch it". Romeo says hanging up. He opens his car door, goes up to the front door, and knocks.

The door opened.

It was Maru

Maru was Romeo's friend since childhood. They met when he was in 6th grade and she was in 7th grade, they barely reunited last weekend.

"Hi Maru". Romeo says entering the house, side hugging her.

She returns the hug. "Long time, huh?"

"Maru, we saw each other last weekend". He says smiling at the girl.

"Still a lot". Maru replies

Cynthia is then next to greet him. "Hi, Romeo". She says side hugging him. 

"Hi, Cyn."He says returning the hug.

"So, what did Nick say to convince you to come to the podcast". Cynthia asks him, while Devin comes up to him and hugs him.

"Oh you know the usual". Romeo says greeting Devin.

"Begged you?" Cynthia asks with a confused

"No, he just texted a lot". Romeo says making Cynthia nod.

Sean comes up to him dabbing him up. "It's nice to see you again". 

"You too". Romeo says nodding to him.

"Come on, let's go film". Nick said, pushing Romeo to the room 

Romeo stumbles a bit but fixes his posture. He daps up Sage, then heads into the film room.

"Are you that excited Nick?" Romeo asks pushing him.

"Yeah". Nick says.

"Ok, where do I sit?" Romeo says looking around. 

"Right here". Nick says patting the seat next to him. "This is where Maru is sitting". Nick points to the seat next to Romeo and whispers to him, making him laugh.

To be continued...

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮|𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐛 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now