Chapter 3- Emotional and Physical Pain

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Claire's POV

I sat in the middle of the crowded theme park, holding my stomach, crying silently. I couldn't move. She kicked me so hard. It killed. What am I going to tell Owen? I can't just tell him that his daughter hates me, I can't do that to him.

"Aunt Claire?"

I looked up to see my two wonderful nephews, Zach and Grey.

"Oh god, Claire," Zach said hugging me. "What happened?"

I shook my head, crying into his shoulder.

Zach's POV

I could tell she was in pain. Emotionally and physically. I picked her up, wedding style, since it was the best way I could considering her condition. Good thing she was light because I don't think I could've picked her up otherwise. I walked towards her house- more like a mansion. It was huge.

"Grey, mind opening the door?" I asked handing him the key. He did as told and we walked into her house. I set her down on the couch. She winced again.

"Claire, what happened?"

She sighed and began to tell me.


My jaw clenched. Why would someone do that? I know Claire is my aunt, but still she saved my life, the least I can do is help her now. When it's not life-threatening. Well... she did kick her and choke. You know, I take that back. It is life-threatening. Kate will pay for this.

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