Sinner OC + OC x OC Ship

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So the idea of a sinner that would eventually be redeemed came to mind

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So the idea of a sinner that would eventually be redeemed came to mind. Her name is Laura, and she's a sinner, who, like some others, have been wronged too many times in her human life.

Laura was a victim of abuse many times. She grew up in a family that didn't love her and treated her more like an object that they could just discard rather than a person that needed love and guidance.

Laura had tried many times to commit suicide. Only for people to talk her out of it, and she was always told that things would eventually get better, which she would later view as lies.

People kept abandoning Laura. They either left her or betrayed her. Laura's best friends, two of whom either moved away without telling her. And the other started to exclude her before eventually ending her friendship in order to maintain her popularity.

She once had an abusive boyfriend, who hit her for every mistake, left her to pick up every mess he got himself into, and to make matters worse, he cheated on her with one of her former friends.

Once day, she had enough. When her house caught on fire, her entire family chose to leave her to die. Laura barely made it out, but once she did, everyone was gone.

That was when she snapped. She had it. She was gonna make everyone pay for making her suffer.

Soon, she got her hands on a dagger, and her trademark firearm. She started with her ex boyfriend. She decapitated him with one swipe, and then slit the throat of his lover open.

She went after more people that wronged her. She continued to kill. The people that got in her way, whether it was policemen, or people that were allied with her targets,  ended up slaughtered in the manhunt.

This went on for five years. She sliced, strangled, shot, and tore apart every person who wronged. Eventually, she managed to get to her family.

It became a battle for justice to her. She killed the father who beat her for neglecting chores or even the littlest things possible. She slaughtered the brothers who tormented her.

Now the mother  was all that was left. The very one who advised the plan to leave her for dead. It was a battle to the death. It was a battle Laura had both won and lost.

The mother lost her life, and so did Laura. Due to her manslaughter and quest for revenge, Laura was sent to Hell as her punishment. The new sinner didn't mind her new home.

If any one dared to mess with her, she could just do to them what she did to her own victims. But that was until extermination day came.

Sinners had warned her about the extermination, but Laura was confident she could survive unscathed.

However, during a battle with an exorcist, Laura had learned that fighting back was one of the biggest mistakes she had made, and barely escaped alive.

Now, for the last ten years, Laura cared more about her well being and hid more often when exterminations came.

Like everyone else, when Charlie had come up with the idea of redemption, Laura ridiculed her. After all, their lives were on the line. How would they know redemption even works? It was foolish in her own eyes.

When it was announced the exterminations would come six months in advance rather than a year, how could Laura not panic? And it also gave her a lot more reason to have less faith in Charlie's hotel.

So when Charlie and Vaggie asked her to consider it, she refused. But after a few days, she decided. She wanted peace. She wanted happiness. Hell never gave her that. She wanted to be in a place where no one wanted to hurt her.

And with that, she gave Charlie's idea a shot. And came the six months from having joined reluctantly to eventually caring about the gang in no time.

I haven't really decided if she'll be redeemed at the same time as Sir Pentious or some time later, but right time, I decided to make this cute shipart of her and one of Emositecc's OCS, Victoria, who is Sir Pentious's ex-wife. I hope she doesn't mind too much that I used her character.

Artbook 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora