what do i do now 2

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Am i really doing this getting a test


                  Why would i ?

I mean if i am what would i do?


Tell gon?

Just has killua thinks of this his hand went from his said to his tummy,he then started thinking how gon would react imagening him getting mad and yelling at him saying, "No i havent done anything to you for this to happen!!" or "that THING is not mine get out i dont went anything to do with you pice of shit !!!!!". Maybe that was being over drametic but can you blame me im only 15,' great now im talking to my self '. Just as killua thinks this he enters the drug store and starts looking for a test once he finds them he picks up a few since he learnd from reseach that they sometimes give wrong answers. ( i think they do this i dont know if not will they do in this fic ) He walks up to the work and the women gives him a look and says" you got some girl  preg-" but she was cut of by killua" No! uh sorry no i- its for my older sister " the women nods and speaks again"oh sorry love its just I've seen a lot of young teens come here and well you know,plus you look  13 maybe and so inoccent so i dont even know why i would come up with somthing like that forgive me im sorry" the women finishis with out being cut off this time" uhh yeah its ok " 'pff if only she knew  and are you blind old hag, im not short im taller then a average 15 year old by two inches yes but still !! 'Killua thinks will the women bags the stuff and gives it to him he thanks her and leaves will still thinking ' maybe she said that cuase of the makeup i put on to hind my eye bags and dry tear lines i may have done it to good then '

[Timeskip given to you by butter boi]

I forgot to say that ' this means the charactor is thinking example 'your hot'

Gons pov after killua left

'Whats going on with killua ever since i went out and met retz and woke up the next day on my bedroom floor, butt naked with a headach like i was staded a hundred times in the head for some resone  i dont know. Hes be acting jumpy when ever im home  or just stays in his room altogether. i tried getting him to play a game i got just to talk to him or go with him to were ever he went but it did not work maybe i need to take things easy and just ask??' as just has gon finishes thinking this he hears the door open and thats when he relized he cant smell his best friends sent which is NOT a good thing since gons smell is really good and as an alpha there smell should be even better. In case you dident know when you cant smell an omegas sent that may mean that there depresed or are  unhealty and  going to die, 'no he may just have  a sent blocker on ' gon thinks and looks at killua from the couch and looks at his neck to see none on , this makes gon panic and run up to killua before he could get back to his room holding his best friend who looks shocking up by how fast the taller male got to them but gon dosent notice and ask in a tone scared for his best friend "killua! Are you ok i cant smell your sent and you have deen acting odd all week and stayed in your room for another !?"killua comes out off shock and pulls a fake smile that some would think was real but gon has seen his smiles and theres no way he would let him self forget such a pretty no god like smile but where getting distracted here gon get back to the script! Killua said he was find and that he just toke a few sent blocking pills but gon says that they only make your sent  faint and hared to tell what your second gen is not get your sent takeing away completly and killua reminds gon that drugs dont work on him so he would need to take more then normal and that he may have tokeing to much, gon then responds by saying that" killu dont you know thats on health and that just takeing them normaly could resk your chances for chl-" but before gon could finish gon hears a door being slamed and a shout saying " I dont plan on getting any!!"

794 words 8 hope you like this

What do you think will happen next?

Will killua tell gon?

Or will gon find out on his on?

What do the test say?

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