Back to 42 - Coldplay/Who script

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Scene 1

The bakery, Will and Guy are sitting around looking bored waiting for Chris to arrive, Johnny is playing fifa, his face hot and sweaty his eyes bulging like balloons in their sockets.

Will turns to guy letting out a huge sigh: where do you think he's got to now?

Guy : dunno, hopefully he's on his way though.

A flashback to a bedroom,

Chris is in the bed, sleeping soundly, crash, a plate falls to the floor somewhere in the house

Chris sits up with a start :The fu-?

the lights begin to flicker intermittently, he looks around nervously licking his lips.

The door cracks open slightly, and a long shadow covers the hallway.

Chris : Gwyneth?

with every flicker of the bulb the shadow gets bigger until

Chris : What the hell is that? Did guy file for his stupid eBay stuff to be - (black out, Chris is in the dark)

"delivered here? I thought I told him

the lights come back, but right in front of him now is a stone Angel

the light goes out, Chris screams.

The bakery

Johnny gets up from the sofa, and yawns, his big arms nearly touch Guy's head :Watch it!

Johnny blushes : oh, sorry Guy.

there's a bang on the door, the three rush down the corridor to greet the guest.

A policeman stands in the door, looking solemnly at the group

: hello gents.

Guy, Johnny and Will confused by his casual attitude : Hi.

the policeman coughs making the group jump, except Will : do you know where our Mate is? please don't say he's gone and got smashed again

guy shudders : my carpets are still stained from the first time

the policeman is now the one that looks confused : "no gents, sommet much worse has happened

the group gasp : is he dead?

the officer removes his cap : I'm afraid we don't know what he is, or even... where he is. So I'm afraid I can't tell you.

the group sigh, and turn to go back inside, guy turns round : "thanks, now at least we can go home."

Will and Johnny turn around with huge frowns on their faces. Johnny :"no way are we leaving him, he's our best friend. He wouldn't give up on us would he?"

there's a clatter down the corridor as the booths fall into a heap on the floor.

A strange sound begins, almost like the tardis landing, the guys slide down the corridor to investigate.

Johnny sighs in disgust : "guy, did you go and buy this piece of tat off the internet? you idiot!"

the doors on the police box fly open, a slightly ruffled doctor comes flying out, and turns angrily to Johnny :"What're you calling tat?"

Will stares at him, eyes popping out of his head


The doctor spins around and pats the tardis : This is NOT tat, first off, it's a space ship, AND a time machine AND a-

Will : A blue box?

The doctor sighs and slumps his shoulders : Well... yes... Oh yes It's a blue box. But can we look past that for a second, it's a space ship

Guy : Pretty small spaceship. What if someone set it on fire? it's wood, how do you fix it? What if someone brings a saw to it? What if-"

The doctor looks peevishly at Will and mouths "Can you shut him up please?

Guy closes his mouth

Doctor : Thank you. Now, I'm afraid you guys have a problem.

Johnny, Will and Guy : Yer, Chris is gone.

The doctor looks around the room, and frowns,

Doctor : that's not your only problem, what happened there?

the group look irritably at him.

oh me? Oh i'm sorry... bit of trouble landing. I'm not very precise.

Johnny, Will and Guy : Problem number 2, Where's our mate?

The doctor runs his hand through his hair : Dunno, sorry. Kinda just got here from 1942, but... there's angels around.

Johnny, Will and Guy : Uh... excuse me?

Doctor : Weeping angels, THE WEEPING ANGELS. Oh hello, that's where he might be. Oh god, I'm sorry.

Will : What? What's wrong?

Doctor : Well... you'll have to come with me.

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