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The dwarves had agreed to put on their best behaviour and avoid any sensitive topic such as their own uncertain future, in order for Jungkook and Taehyung to enjoy the evening without having to think about what would happen the following day. All had been briefed on the boy's condition and the watchword for the night was active hint-dropping in the hope of reviving his lost memories. It had, of course, started with the food, as Jin had served some of his favourite dishes which he had relished back when he was still convalescing.

"So Tae—I mean your Highness, it turns out you're a prince," Hoseok said with a smile.

"And a pretty useless one at that," Taehyung acknowledged bitterly.

"What did you do exactly to incur the QueenI mean your mother's wrath?"

"My stepmother," corrected the boy.

Everyone at the table turned to glance at him, hope glistening in their eyes.

"So you remember?"

Taehyung shook his head and apologised. "I'm sorry... I know how much you are all trying to help but my brain is being very uncooperative at the moment. All this does feel somewhat familiar though. Like a home, if I ever had one..."

Jungkook squeezed his hand. "You do have a home here. In fact, some of your things are still up in our room."

The prince sensed a warm brush colour his cheeks as he wondered what he was most curious about: the things he had left behind or the fact that Jungkook had called his room theirs?

Ever so perceptive, Namjoon put an end to the silent spell before it turned awkward. "Why don't you two take a tour of the house then? It might help with the recollection process."


The first thing Jungkook did when entering the room was closing the door behind them before dropping on all fours in order to pull out a box stashed underneath the bed which looked awfully small to Taehyung. "How did the both of us ever fit on this," he wondered, only for Jungkook to giggle shyly. "You used me as a body pillow most of the time."

"Here," he added, placing the item on the duvet for Taehyung to remove the lid.

The dress was folded tidily, a red bow resting on top of it. The prince let his fingers run across the soft and silky fabric. "Did I wear this?"

"Only once. But you wore it beautifully." Jungkook leaned in ever so slightly, spying for a spark of some kind that would confirm Taehyung was indeed familiar with the garment and was in fact beginning to remember.

"What was the occasion?"

"It was our weekly Friday night party."

Sweet notes filled the air and Jungkook mentally thanked Yoongi for such perfect timing. Holding out his hand, he smiled. "Your Highness, may I have this dance?"

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected invitation. His posture straightened a little when he realised nothing about Jungkook indicated he was making a joke. "Wait. Are you suggesting I wore this dress and then, we danced?"

"Well, 'dance' may have been a bit of a stretch. We more like swayed."

"Wow." The prince's eyes grew as big as the mouth he had hanging. "You really had me whipped."

"I did not hear you complain then."

"Who says I'm complaining now?"

And with a flirtatious wink that turned Jungkook into a flustered mess, Taehyung clasped both hands around his partner's neck. "Well? What are you waiting for? Make me sway."

It took a moment for the shook Jungkook to snap out of his awe at how much Taehyung had changed and how he didn't mind at all those new developments, before gently placing his hands on the boy's hips. And the swaying began.

"What?" He finally asked, having given up on trying to decipher the intent behind Taehyung's soft stare which had lingered on every single mole on his face.

"Were you serious when you said I could make this my home?"

"Of course! Namjoon did not object to it the first time. I don't see why he would suddenly change his mind."

"What if—" Taehyung breathed in, "what if I want to make this my home," he asked, nuzzling against Jungkook's cheek. "And this," he added, pressing his lips against the boy's neck. "And this too," he whispered before pecking the tip of his nose, unaware of the heat rising under each spot he had dusted with affection.

Acknowledging the butterflies whizzing about in his belly and the warmth setting on fire every inch of his body, Jungkook figured his feelings lacked discretion and thus saw no point in denying them the loud parade they called for.

"Tae," he said, bringing the boy's hand to rest above his heart, "this is your home, should you wish it so."

They had stopped swaying by then but had not noticed the music had also ceased, both wrapped in silent stillness, unable to move or even blink, afraid time would shift if they flinched and put an end to the soothing spell.

The knock on their door, however soft, had them jump. "Boys, I'm sorry but it's time to go," Jin reminded them.


Back in the gloomy cell of the local prison, the two bunkmates had gathered their beds in order to lay next to each other.

"Thank you for this lovely evening," Taehyung murmured tentatively.

"Thank you for your trust," replied the young dwarf who was definitely not ready to give up on getting his Tae back.

"The Caravan leaves in—"

"—two days, I know."

Jungkook was powerless to suppress a desperate sigh. Could they make a run for it? And if they could, where would they go? And would they be able to live despite the constant fear of being found, betrayed, and captured? Jungkook may not have had all the answers, he was certain of one fact: life without Taehyung was inconceivable.

"We'll figure something out. I'm not losing you again."

Taehyung entwined their fingers and placed a soft peck on the other's hand. "Please don't lose me. Ever."

Jungkook kissed the ebon locks. "I won't," he pledged.

Two days.

Little did they know they actually had much less than two days left together.

Three chapters left! And that's not counting the bonus one...

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