two. arrested

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about being arrested. She didn't even think this counted as being arrested because she wasn't even put in handcuffs. Steven was, though. As Maren stared down at her dirty black Converse, she could hear Steven struggling with his handcuffs.

Fiddling with the strings of her light grey jacket, Maren couldn't help but wonder, did her dad still think he wasn't her dad? Did he really still think his name was Steven?

"Whoa, lookie, lookie. Guess what we've got here, Billy," the female cop said in awe.

"Go on, tell me," the male cop responded.

"We've only got ourselves a full-blown international fugitive," she told the male cop. Maren watched as Steven dipped his head and then looked back up. "It's not, it's a mistake, it's not me," Steven told them. The female cop ignored Steven completely.

"Is your name actually Maren Renee Spector then?" the male cop asked. Maren hesitantly nodded her head. She saw the female cop start to type up her name. The female cop scanned through her profile. "You're suspended?" the cop asked Maren. Maren nodded. "For what?" she asked Maren. "I punched someone." The female cop just smirked and nodded.

Maren watched as the female cop went back to her dad's profile. "Well, Maren Renee Spector, your daddy has done some pretty messed up things." Maren didn't respond. "Marc Spector was part of a team of mercenaries that hit a dig site in Egypt. Here's what they did to archaeologists." The female cop turned her head in shock.

"Zip-tied and shot in the back of the head, execution-style..." the female cop said, keeping her eyes on Steven. Maren turned to her father with wide eyes. Maren could see Steven trying not to make eye contact with anyone. "That's dark, man..." the male cop said in awe.

Maren was shocked. She knew her dad stole things, but she had no clue he killed people, and in the most brutal way too? Maybe she didn't know her dad as she thought she did.

"Dad, what are they talking about?" Steven looked at Maren immediately, not really minding that she just called him dad again. Steven knew she wasn't going to stop as long as she thought he was her dad. Steven knew he had to reassure her. "No, no, no, I didn't do that," he told the young girl. Then he turned to the police officers. "That's not me," he told the police.

"Of course you didn't, Steven," the female cop darkly teased, and then she turned back around.

to notice that they were pulling up to a building. This structure didn't resemble a police station. Maren then looked over at Steven with a nervous expression. Steven wore the same anxious look. "Uh...where are we?" Maren asked.

No response.

"Hello?" She said again.

Still no response.

Maren just sighed and gave up. "I thought we were going to a police station?" Steven asked them. The male 'cop' grabbed the mirror and turned it towards Steven and Maren. "Now why would you think that?" He said with a cold and slow voice. "Sit tight, yeah?" The female cop added.

Maren and Steven watched as the two 'cops' exited the car, leaving Steven and Maren to sit in a puddle of confusion and worry. Maren scooted closer to Steven out of fear. Did Maren Spector just get kidnapped? AGAIN?

"No." Steven whispered to himself. Maren felt a pit in her stomach, fear. Yeah, Maren was scared.

"You want me to call you Steven?" Maren asked, trying to make conversation to ease the fear bubbling up from inside of her. Steven looked over at the girl. "That's my name. But if you prefer dad, then go ahead." He told her. She nodded, not knowing if he was kidding or not.

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