Cheer Tryouts

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Harmony's outfit: Black shirt, gray skirt, black heels, and curls.

Harmony wakes up early and gets into Rhyme's born to cheer shirt, red shorts, white shoes, and messy bun. She gets a text from Rhyme saying she's outside. Harmony walks out and into her sisters car.

Rhyme: Ready?
Harmony: Definitely not. I can't believe Walker talked me into this.
Rhyme: I'm glad you're trying Cheer. It's a lot like dance.
Harmony: I guess.
Rhyme: You got this.
Harmony: I hope I make it. I'm doing this for Walker.
Rhyme: I know you are. You got this. 

They get to school and walk into the gym.

Harmony: I can do this.
Rhyme: Alright, everyone, get ready for our post game routine.
Harmony: Oh gosh.

Harmony gets into line. They then start to do the routine. Harmony gets a hang of it after a while.

Rhyme: Great, now let's do some tumbling. Harmony, you first.

Harmony does a handstand and forward roll, back handspring step out, back walkover, flash kick layout, flash kick in place, back flip full twist, on handed cartwheel, roundoff, round off whip back over bungee block, and ends with handstand.

Harmony: Something like that.
Rhyme: Great job.

After tryouts.

Harmony changes and sees Walker waiting outside the locker rooms.

Harmony: OMG, you scared me.
Walker: Sorry, Cutie Pie.

Harmony laughs.

Harmony: It's ok, Baby Love.

Harmony kisses him.
Walker: How were tryouts?
Harmony: Crazy.
Walker: Do you think you made the team?
Harmony: I don't know.
Walker: I'm sure you did. You've been practicing.

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