Episode 2 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Jotaro caught her arm and held her momentarily before starting to falter. The Nurse's strength was great, and she pushed the pen toward Jotaro's cheek. "This upper body strength. She's no ordinary nurse." Jotaro took his other hand and started to use both hands to push her away; her pen neared closer and closer until it punctured his upper cheek, causing blood to stream down. Jotaro recalled seeing something green crawl from the floor, his thoughts rapidly processing the situation. "Was it a Stand?" He asked himself, "Noriaki Kakyoin... did he cut my leg on the stairs, too?" Jotaro spoke out loud to organize his thoughts.

"Bingo," Kakyoin replied while sitting nonchalantly on the windowsill. Jotaro quickly glanced toward Kakyoin with rage and shock-filled eyes. "You're-" "So we meet again. I've attached my Stand to the doctor. She is under my control now. Attack my Stand, and you'll injure her, Jojo." Kakyoin smirked while playing with a puppet, imitating how he had the Nurse under his control. "You bastard... who the hell are you?" Jotaro swore and continued to keep the Nurse at bay. "I told you. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin. My Stand's name is Hierophant Green. And while I am human, I've pledged my loyalty to him. Which is why I have to kill you!" Kakyoin replied as the Nurse began to scream and pressure Jotaro more. In her throat, two bright yellow eyes resided. Jotaro leaned back and pulled himself away from the doctor instead of fighting her. Jotaro suddenly leaned towards the Nurse and kissed her. Kakyoin watched in surprise as he did so. Jotaro parted from the Nurse and as Star Platinum appearing to mimic his actions. Except Star Platinum's teeth held a body covered in veiny lines protected by light-colored armor. "I'm not letting you harm her. Now that I've dragged it out, I see. It's nothing more than a pathetic parasite." Jotaro commented as Star Platinum bit down on the top of this green Stand's head, causing Kakyoin to flinch in pain. Star Platinum threw the Hierophant Green up in the air, successfully removing the Stand from the Nurse's body. while suspended in the air, Star Platinum grabbed Hierophant Green's head and throat with both hands. "Kakyoin, is this your Stand? Kinda reminds me of a fat, shiny, green melon." Jotaro commented on Hierophant Green's light grey colored amour. "You're going to regret dragging that out of her, Jojo." Kakyoin warned Jotaro with a growl deep in his voice. "Cut the bravado. From the looks on your forehead, I'm about to smash." Jotaro spit on the ground before continuing, "I'm about to smash two melons at once." Jotaro turned to face Kakyoin as Star Platinum's grip on Hierophant Green tightened. Kakyoin grunted in pain as he shifted, "For now, I'm gonna keep a grip on you for a bit. I'm going to take you to the Old Man. I'm sure he'll be pleased to meet you. Besides, I'd like to know more about Dio myself." Jotaro told Kakyoin his plans. Suddenly, the window behind Kakyoin closed, and Hierophant Green's body had liquifying coming out. "What?" Jotaro turned back in shock. "What's this green stuff dripping from your Stand's hands?" Jotaro asked as more aquamarine liquid dripped from its hands. "I already told you, Jojo... you will regret this. Get ready for my Stand Hierophant Green's-" Kakyoin answered Jotaro. "Enough foul play!" Jotaro yelled, cutting Kakyoin off. Hierophant Green's hands mass-produced the green water-like liquid as it gathers energy into its body, causing it to glow bright green before firing off a large amount of energy, which takes the form of emeralds. "Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin calls out The blast's range, shotgun-like dispersion, incredible destructive power, and high speed. Jotaro and Star Platinum take a defensive stance but still get hit and blown away by the impact. Jotaro the wall behind him, coughing out blood from the impact. "What do you think? Emerald Splash... What you thought was green ooze is the destructive energy Hierophant Green controls. It pierced your Stand's chest. So, you must be bleeding internally. You and that Nurse..." Kakyoin looks to the Nurse whose body suddenly starts bleeding from her eyes and mouth. The Nurse lays on the ground as a pool of her own blood surrounds her. "What? But how? I pulled the Stand out of her..." Jotaro watched in confusion. "I told you. Attacking Hierophant Green hurts her. My Stand can travel further than yours, though it prefers closed-in spaces. It particularly enjoys hiding from sight. Pull it out, however, and you'll witness its wrath. That's why it tore her throat to shreds. It's your fault, Jojo! You're responsible. It's all because of you; this is what you are doing! If you would have just let me kill you, she would be perfectly fine now." Kakyoin blamed Jotaro. Jotaro put his hand on the broken fall to assist him in standing up. "You're getting up? How sad... you look like a sorry punching bag, awaiting your next thrashing." kakyoin trash-talked as Jotaro unsteadily walked closer. "It's true: I, Jotaro Kujo, have been called a delinquent. and it's true I tend to beat the crap out of my opponents. Some are still in the hospital. I've also put cocky teachers in their places, so much so that some never come back. And I make it a policy to stiff at restaurants that serve shitty, overpriced food. But even a guy like me can spot evil when he sees it. Evil is when you use the weak for your gain and stomp on them when it's over. And that's what you have done. To a young lady, even! Your Stand hides from its victims and the law. But... I will be your judge!" Jotaro raised his hand to adjust his hat with a new determination in his eyes. "Evil? you have it all wrong. The loser is evil. The victor is righteous. Whoever survives to tell the tale! The end justifies the means!" Kakyoin retorted as Hierophant Green unraveled parts of its lower body, allowing itself to strike at Jotaro with its tentacle-like body. Jotaro jumps around the room, desperately dodging the tentacles. He lands on the floor and kicks a stool towards Kakyoin. Hierophant Green grabs the stool before it can hit Kakyoin and rips it to shreds. A barrage of more tentacles appears and binds Jotaro together. Tying Jotaro's limbs and holding him down. "The loser is the evil one. And now, one final blow!" Kakyoin and Hierophant Green prepare to use Emerald Splash against a defenseless Jotaro again. "What? The loser is the evil one?" Jotaro looks down. "Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin commands that as soon as the emeralds come within Star Platinum's range, Star Platinum appears and deflects the emeralds with a war cry-like "Ora!" sound. "What? Impossible. He deflected my Emerald splash!" Kakyoin yelled in shock. "...Let's see just how evil you are!" Jotaro points at Kakyoin with his index finger. Star Platinum charges at Hierophant Green, seizing it by the neck and shaking it violently while yelling, "Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" causing blood to come out of Kakyoin's mouth. Star Platinum raises his fist and shouts, "Ora!" again as he strikes Hierophant Green's face, causing its robotic-like eye to shatter. "Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" Star Platinum shouts as he violently punches Hierophant Green in the head each time. Star Platinum throws Hierophant Green up and uppercuts its head as its body descends; the last hit causes Hierophant Green to hit the ceiling with a loud bang. "The judge will be my Stand!" Jotaro yells. The school windows shatter, and Kakyoin's body is pummeled and bloodied as if he were the one to receive Star Platinum's brutal beatdown. "What power..." Kakyoin mumbles before collapsing onto the floor. "You caught me off guard back there. I'm glad my Stand is strong, but I get the sense it's growing more and more savage by the day. That was close." Jotaro walks towards the Nurse and crouches down. "A little tender loving care and the Doc should be as good as new." He notes as the fire alarm rings. Soon, the sounds of teachers and students echoed through the hallways.

"What was that?"

"A gas explosion?"

"It came from the nurse's office!"

"Everyone stay put!"

"They can take over from here, I'm taking the day off. This guy has some explaining to do about Dio." Jotaro picks Kakyoin up like a sack of potatoes and climbs out the window to leave the school. From the roof of the school, an undisturbed Maomao watches nonchalantly. "Way to make a scene... whatever." She mumbles, annoyed while holding a black obsidian dagger in her hands. The sword's handle was out of the ordinary; it had a smaller vertical handle coming from the base of the horizontal one. The blade suddenly vanishes from her hands, allowing Maomao to take out her cell phone. She dialed a number and put her phone to her ear. "Ne∼ Heihei, don't wait for me after school today. I'm leaving now... Sorry, Heiden." Maomao tried to sound as light-hearted as possible, reassuring her little brother. "Oh... alright. See you at home then." Heiden responds. "You were a little pale today, make sure to not push yourself to har-" Maomao tries to add more only to have him hang up on her. Maomao sighs loudly, letting her body slump over the railings. She closed her phone shut and slid it back into her pocket. "I've got caught in some real trouble this time, Heiden. What should I do..." Maomao mumbled to herself as she took out a cigarette and her lighter. She placed the cigarette in her mouth between her lips, her thumb pressing down on the lighter, hoping for some fire, but only to receive sparks. Maomao groans and closes her dead lighter. "Just my luck."

Stand Name: Hierophant Green

Stand Master: Noriaki Kakyoin

Kujo Mansion-Entrance

Holly hummed a soft, beautiful tune as she did laundry, putting her and Jotaro's clothes up to dry in the afternoon sun. She suddenly turns back and runs inside her home. She picks up a picture of Jotaro and hugs it close to her chest. "At this very moment, my Jotaro must be thinking about me in school! It must be that psychic connection between mother and son." she squealed. "It's not." Jotaro suddenly appears in the doorway with a bland, emotionless expression. Holly drops the picture in shock, seeing her son returning home quickly. "Jo-Jotaro! What about school? And who is that?" Holly asks Jotaro about Kakyoin, who is still carried on Jotaro's back. "He's covered in blood. Did you..." Holly's tone suddenly becomes very concerned. "Stay out of this. Where is the Old Man? And why does this house have to be so freakin' big?" Jotaro complains as he walks to the next room to find his Grandfather. "I think Grandpa is in the tea room with Avdol," Holly replies as Jotaro walks silently towards the tea room. "Oh, Jotaro... you never want to talk to me anymore. I...I worry so much about you. But I can see right through you. Deep down, you're a sweet boy." Holly silently thought to herself with a happy smile. "Hey." Jotaro looked back to his mother, causing her to snap out of her daydream-like phase. "Yes?!" Holly responds. "You're looking a little pale today. You okay?" Jotaro asks seriously. Holly stares and smiles, jumping, holding a peace sign with her fingers. "Fine! Thank you!" Holly responded in English. Jotaro scoffed at her childish behavior and continued to walk away. "I knew it." Holly smiled proudly.

Kujo Mansion-Tea room

"It doesn't look too good, but it's too late. We can't save him. I give him a few days. Jotaro, it's not your fault. Look. Do you know why he chose to obey Dio, even to kill?" Joseph asked Jotaro as Kakyoin lay on the tea room floor with Avdol and Joseph sitting next to him. Jotaro watched in suspense as his Grandfather explained. "The culprit is here!" Joseph moved Kakyoin's hair out of the way, revealing a parasite-like creature attached to the widow's peak on Kakyoin's forehead. "What the hell is that?" Jotaro stared in utter shock.

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