Project Sekai: The Forsaken One's Part 3(The Bloody Finale) Trailer

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At the 500m dome we can see Yui knocking Airi unconscious and telling Ichika to stay with her as they the only surviving people who entered it with Yui injecting something in her body as she engaged An in a sword fight with Toya and Kohane using there respective weapons to assist Kohane 

No matter what anyone says!


In a slow motioned scene we can see Akito joining the fight beside An who is heavily injured as Toya killed in the background with Kohane barely breathing as she was stabbed and stuck in a metal bar in her stomach

We're special!

". . .Forgive me Airi, this is the only way to save everyone we know *Removes the eye patch covering his right eye and then spoke* Kaito *Opens his right eye revealing that somehow he had Mafuyu's right eye which is lifeless*"


(If you solved this hidden message just type "Oh. . .Okay" in the comments section incase you like to solve it and by the way some might not be in the final part but expect most of it will be there)

Now on to the next topic, Why did I discontinued one of my stories a few hours ago?, This is because my Father said I quote "Do not ever, ever use Wattpad until you graduated after 4(Or was it 5 if I remembered?) years, please endure in that time and when you graduated in the university, I'll let you to go back on typing on Wattpad to make stories. The reason for this is because that Wattpad is the reason why you failed to enter that entrance exam" all because I failed my first Entrance Exam in [REDACTED], which my fault truly because I didn't listen to my parents to not use this while studying for the university's entrance examDon't worry after I took that entrance exam I studied for the 2nd University Entrance Exam months or almost a year later to which I took seriously(But my parent's think I used and read Wattpad while preparing for the entrance exam which is kind of funny because I only read after I studied to calm my brain to which they didn't believe me) and I'm still waiting for it's results so pls pray for me that I pass at the second university I took and entrance exam inBut yesterday the results came out at the first University that I took and entrance exam which led to me to make a compromises which are the following:

1. I'll bargain with my Father to give an extension until the end of May to finish this last part as after that it'll be a series afterwards

2. I'll return to my 500-700+ word era that caused me to keep spamming updates of my stories in the past(And secretly do it after I got into a university. . .incase I didn't past the second university I took and entrance exam) but when I got into a university expected there'll be an update on my stories once a week, every 2 weeks or a month because I don't want to disappoint my parents)

3. Expect some stories I made will be discontinued

4. I'll make new stories but expect those will be my last one's incase I never return back on writing

I'm sorry it has come to this but sacrifices are needed to be made for my sake I hope you guys understand that's all have a good day/afternoon/night!!!

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 20 ⏰

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