chapter 1

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That afternoon in LA California, a young 8 year old black pig tailed girl named ruby was walking to the diner listening to music she puts her headphones on and listens to her favorite songs

The world faded around her as she danced to the rhythm in the water and swam across the ocean along with whales and fish in her imagination she had a small smile on her face. After her song ended she arrived at the diner she took off her headphones and went inside when she gotten inside the diner all she saw was customers looking scared and terrified that they don't want to get eaten. She asked one of the customers what's wrong. The customer pointed out what they saw and what she saw made her eyes widen but still remained natural. It was wolf and snake the bad guys known as famous criminals. Someone pulled ruby's hand and dragged her to the kitchen as they locked the door. "What is the meaning of this?!" Ruby asked firmly "kid you shouldn't be out there!" The waiter male said scared. Ruby was confused so she peeked out the door to see what's going on. The staff freaked out that she might be seen or get hurt.

"Stop!" Snake said in annoyance "I'll stop if you exsplain it to me because I don't-" Wolf said but snake interrupts him "will you please just drop it?!" "Alright fine fine fine fine, consider it dropped its on the ground." Wolf said tapping his spoon on the edge of the mug "good." Snake said. Wolf was about to drink his coffee but then puts it down and said "but I mean come on everyone loves birthdays!" Snake tilted his head back and groaned "you got decorations, balloons, parties and cake!" Wolf said "look I don't need presents, I'm not into decorations, and I'm not a cake guy." Snake said to wolf "Seriously though you don't like cake? Think one food better than cake!" Wolf whispered "guinea pig!" Snake said raised his fork. Wolf groaned in annoyance " again with the guinea pig. *chuckles* bet if I blind folded you, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference between a skunk and a guinea pig." "Wrong!" Snake corrected him "snakes have peccable taste buds I can taste air!" " air?! Wolf asked "Yes air!" Snake slithers the air "mmm.. nice!" He gained as wolf sat across the on the chair and leaned back towards the window. "I don't know they're a little cute for my taste." Wolf said to snake "that's what makes them so delicious you're not just eating food you're eating pure goodness it's not about the pig it's about what symbolized on a deeper level." Snake said as wolf was silent and confused for a few seconds before he continued " so you can taste air? What else you got?" "Ugh forget about it." Snake said in annoyance " can you also hear color *chuckles* " can you see sound? " cause we should be capitalizing on these skills "Alright fine." Snake said "get it all out! GET IT ALL OUT NOW!" "okay, okay." Wolf said before snake vomited out the clock covered in saliva. Gross right? "Look at that! 4 pm now I no the exact moment our friendship died." Snake said as wolf chuckles "let's bounce." Wolf said as Snake nodded in agreement. "Seems like uh you're gonna stick me with the bill.... again." Snake responded "well it is my birthday." "So now you played the birthday card? That's interesting." Wolf pointed out as snake laughs. Wolf went up to the counter as snake took a tooth pick and uses it on his teeth " can we get a pay check please? Hello? Chickty chick check?" Wolf asked until the female waiter went outside and when she saw Mr wolf and snake she ran back inside the diner room. "You know what we're just gonna leave the money right here. okay?" Wolf said taking the money out of his pocket and putting it in a pile of cash.

Snake spoke "you wanna know a good thing about this place?" Wolf turned to snake "what?" "We never had to wait for a table." Snake responded " well isn't that every place?" Wolf sly smirked. Snake turned to the customers that were terrified of getting eaten. "Hey man how you've been I haven't seen you in a....SNAKE ATTACK!!" Snake jumpscared the. The rest of the café were silent and Terrified except for ruby who was brave as usual she couldn't just hide forever and run for cover so this is what happened. "Sorry folks I'm switching in the decaf." Wolf chuckled but before wolf and snake could walk out the door the someone threw a fork on the glass door as wolf and snake shrieked in fear. They turned to the red haired little girl ruby who was standing there with a serious look on her face. "If you're really sorry apologies like you mean it." Ruby commanded. Wolf and snake looked at eachother and both laughed. Wolf said " are You threatening us?" He laughed. Ruby said firmly " no. But I'm asking nicely." Wolf kneeled down to ruby and smirked " look kid we don't do apologies." " Yeah so mind your business, or we walk over you!" Snake threatened. Ruby didn't cared and said with a calm stricted emo tone " not in my statues." Snake was angry and launched at ruby as the crowd gasps in fear that ruby could get hurt but ruby dodged the attack and threw him on the tables. The crowd gasps in shocked that they never knew that a young child would be so untochable and skilled. Wolf threw kicks at ruby but she dodged them and twisted mr wolf's arms and threw him on the table with snake. "next time don't try to mess with me or my people or good citizens, again." Ruby said firmly strictly as she went out of the diner.

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