new country, new journey

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     I finally stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac of a whole new country. I have finally arrived in England to work with top leagues in women's football.  When choosing schools, I had to choose UNC Charlotte because they had the best athletic training program and they had the option to study abroad, and I jumped right on it, and who doesn't love the warm weather that North Carolina offers.
“Hey Maeve, the car is waiting.” Charlotte said, pulling me out of my wandering mind.
“Coming Char.” I replied back
Charlotte Barlow is my best friend and I was so lucky to have met her and be able to study abroad with her. Charlotte is a beautiful Italian girl who was born in the U.S. and is a big fan of women's soccer, and we both share the biggest dream of becoming athletic trainers for any women's football team.
     I reach the car and duck my head while getting in, my nearly 6’ tall self always has to squeeze myself into spaces that aren't made for me. I slide in next to Charlotte and we are driven to the hotel we'll be staying at during our duration.
“Are you nervous?” I ask Charlotte
“Not yet, you?” She asks back
“I think it'll hit us when we get our team assignments and meet the players.” I say
“Who do you want? Charlotte questions
“I would love arsenal, all the girls on the team are so inspiring, what about you?”
“Chelsea would be nice, they're a technical team and Arsenal's biggest rival,” she says to me while smirking.
“I guess we'll just have to wait and see.” I reply with a chuckle.
     The car pulls up to the hotel entrance and Charlotte and I get out and gather our bags. The front desk hands us our key cards and we make our way to our rooms.
“Well, looks like we won't be too far from each other,” I say while I swipe my card and Charlotte swipes her for the room across from mine.
“Aww shucks, I was looking to get away from you for a while,” She smiles
“Oh whatever,” I reply, “You'll be knocking on my door in no time.”
“Probably, see you at 5 for dinner and our assignment hand-out?
“Sure thing, see you then.” I say closing my door and walking to my bed and dropping myself on it. The jet lag has hit and I set an alarm for 4:30 on my phone so I can make it to dinner on time, then I let my eyes close.
     beep beep beep, “ugh” I wake up and shut my phone off. I get up and unzip my suitcase to retrieve a hairbrush and a nice outfit. I put myself together and text Charlotte.
Me: Want to walk down together?
Char: Sure, be out in 5
“Ready?” Charlotte asks walking out of her room
“Yup let's go.” I respond
    We reached the dining room of the hotel that our program had reserved for us and the other study abroad students who came along. Charlotte and I choose seats next to each other at the long table they have set up for our meal. We were served an amazing dinner and everybody enjoyed the meal, but the anxiety in the room was asking for our assignments. A tall, clean, man walks in with big envelopes and each of our names are written on them.
“I'm sure all the students that are here are excited to receive their assignments, and I just happen to be the one who is holding your future in my hands,” he says and winks, “so I best get to it.”
He starts to call out names and hands raise so people can get their envelope.
“Please wait to open these until everyone has gotten them.” he says
Charlotte and I finally have our names called and we receive our assignments, looking at each other with a nervous glance with a hint of excitement.
“Is that everybody? He asks after handing out the last envelope. We look around and nod at him.
“Well then, best of luck and enjoy your time here, you may open your envelopes.”
I take a big deep breath and then start to tear at the top of the paper, I slide the packet of information out and I see the familiar red and white Arsenal badge in the top left corner of the packet.
“Char! I'm going to Arsenal!” I yell
“Oh my gosh Maeve, I'm going to Chelsea!” she exclaims
“Just like we wanted!”
We stand up from our chairs and hug each other, thrilled with our assignments and the sudden release of tension from our body settles us.
“Please make your way back to your rooms and get rested up for team introductions tomorrow.” the man says and we all make our way back to our respective rooms. Charlotte and I say our goodnights as we retreat to our rooms. I finally unpack my bags and make the room my home for the next few weeks. I got settled for the night and fell right to sleep.

tape, ice and catching glimpses Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora