Chapter 4: The Spider-Society

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Dorm Room 35B

Jonas sat on the bed in the room Miguel had put him in. Within the Spider-HQ there were a multitude of dorm rooms for Spider-People who needed a place to put their things or rest. Miguel had put Jonas in an unoccupied one in sector Bravo of the Spider-HQ, putting him close to the mission debrief room.

It was a moderately sized room, a king sized bed was set upon the right side of the wall when you walk through the door which Jonas sat upon right now. To the left of the door was a coat rack and a small metal table. A 40 inch TV was upon the wall opposite of the bed, a couch sitting infront of it. Next to the bed were two night stands, one accompanying a lamp. The floor was wooden and the walls were a light tan color. To the right of the bed are two doors, th right most one leading into a bathroom and the other leading into a walk in closet. Miguel had Jonas's gear moved into the closet, his weapons hanging on a weapon wall.

Jonas had changed out of his tactical clothing, hanging it up in the closet. He utilized his watch and teleported his civilian clothing cache to his room, wearing a plain black zip up hoodie, a white FDNY T-Shirt, brown cargo pants and a pair of Travis Scott high top Jordan 1s.

Jonas ran a hand through his admittedly long and shaggy hair. This was the first time he'd sat on a bed this nice, the only other times he'd been able to rest were at Motels in different dimensions with a plethora of bed bugs and rusty springs popping out from the mattress.

Jonas's stomach rumbled. He hasn't ate in about 4 days, he'd been too occupied trying to find the information on that lead he was following on Earth-3386. He stood, placing his hands in his pockets and walking towards the door.


Gwen walked through the hallways with Hobie by her side, massaging her sore body that still ached from the semi truck powered punches that Jonas threw at her.

"I'm glad we finally got that whole mess under control, that agent character is a real piece of work." Gwen said with a grimace as talking with her sore jaw hurt.

"In full honesty I woudda acted the same way, mans got my respect." Hobie said with a shrug of his shoulders gaining an eye roll from Gwen.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you were actually here during the chase. He hits hard." Gwen complained as they continued walking down the corridor.

"I'm bloody starved, you wanna head to the canteen?" Hobie asked, his stomach rumbling after he spoke.

"Yeah, I could use something to eat." Gwen said, the two making their way towards the cafeteria together.


Jonas sat down at a lone table with a plate of food. His meal consisted of a double cheeseburger with ketchup, lettuce and onion with a spiderman themed bun that Jonas rolled his eyes at. He had a side of fries and a bowl of salad accompanying his burger aswell.

Jonas had put his hood up when he entered the Cafe, nevertheless gaining some dirty looks from some of the spider people. He quickly looked up and already saw a group of them whispering to eachother and glancing at him, Jonas just hoped that Miguel had informed everyone to leave him the hell alone.

He gingerly picked up the burger and bit into it, it was the best food he's had in about a month or so. Being a Rogue agent dosent really grant you alot of opportunities of getting any rest and relaxation, especially 3 meals a day. There had been times where Jonas had to resort to cooking and eating anything he could find or catch, including the large rats that lived in the millions in New York City.

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