The pull-in (i want to apologise about the amount of times i swapped Povs 😭)

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Chars Pov:

I'd feel the sharp pierce to the wall, unknowingly I'd shove her away "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" id scream, hoping someone was still there and would come in and help me "GET OF-" before I could say anymore a hand covered my mouth and I heard, whispered in my ear "shhh sweetheart, I just wanted to.. talk" I'd speak with an attempted rough tone but it was difficult with a muffled voice"about what."

Mias Pov:

I'd sharply pierce her into the wall, making sure I didn't actually hurt her, but before I could do or say anything, I felt a hand shove me away *god she's so strong* id think to myself, before she could finish her sentence I quickly covered her mouth, I whispered into her ears so no one could hear me "shh sweetheart, I just wanted to.." I thought about telling her the actual reason. No she doesn't like me.. yet. "Talk." Real smooth Mia "Talk?" What the hell am I going to talk to her about?

Chars Pov:

I turned the light on in her office before sitting down next to her , I don't know why but sitting next to her felt comforting in a way, like I get she is a bad person but she seems kind of.. "NO she's a bad person" id sharply say in my head, shaking the thought away, I'd wait for her answer "we'll sweetheart", god 2 words in and she's allready pissed me off. "Well what." Id sharply say, it's like my voice is speaking for me, im not thinking of the words.

Mias Pov:

I motioned for her to sit next to me, I just wanted to be with her already, i shook the thought away before responding "well sweetheart" I'd pause, think of an excuse "Well what" she would say "well, I er wanted to know if you were troubled by any parents" Real smooth Mia, real smooth.

Chars Pov:

Troubled by any of the parents? Pfft like she'd care!!! "Uh no, can i go home now?" For god sake, just say your going home, you don't need to ask!

Mias Pov:

I just want to stay with her.. "fine. But tomorrow your covering here again" I didn't know who was covering, I was just really hoping it was Charlotte so that I could see her, I get it's a bit obsessive but she's just so kind, even to the parents who hate her! I can't wait til she grows a backbone. It'll be an Improvement, maybe she will be able to stand up for herself.

Chars Pov:

After hearing the word "fine" I nearly bolted out the room there and then. After hearing im covering there I was so mad, why can't I just go over to MY nursery? I was so upset I just walked out, it was 10pm and I had Just gotten out to my car, I was so tired I knew I couldn't drive, I know it would be painful but it would be more painful to die, I think atleast...

Mias Pov:

I watched Charlotte walk out of the room, unknowingly checking her out, I snapped myself out of it and walked out behind her, I don't know why but I was so full of energy tonight. I saw Charlotte was walking over to me  "Hello again, sweetheart."

Chars Pov:

"Stop with the nicknames, please" I was too cold and tired for her BS "I'm way to tired to drive and I don't want to crash, would it be ok if you gave me a lift home and to work tomorrow, seen as I'm working here tomorrow as well?"  I'd say nervously, I don't know why, but I'm starting to think Mia is.. ok.

Mias Pov:

"Of course I can drive you sweetheart" id say, secretly I was so excited about driving her home, I led her to my car and tried to stir up a conversation, "so Charlotte, are you in an er.. relationship?"

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