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Magnolia or Maggie as she preferred watched through the small glass window of her taxi as they drove through Los Angeles, LA. There had been a very recent earthquake and the city was still is disarray in places. Multiple building either half crumbled to the ground or chunks missing from them but many just had shattered windows and needed to be officially deemed safe enough to be inhabited again. Lots of debris scattered the streets from branches to cables and wires that had been torn down in the mass accident leaving multiple sections of the city with now power still.

Maggie tried not to reminisce the last few years and especially the last few months that had lead her here, to LA. Not wanting to dwell on the past Maggie took out her knitting from her backpack and carried on knitting the burgundy sweater she was making for herself. Maggie was so caught up in her knitting the last thirty minuets of the journey seemed to go by in a blink of an eye and before she knew it the taxi driver had pulled up outside there destination, Firehouse 118.

Maggie hadn't been nervous until now, she hadn't told him she was coming, it had been quite a last minuet move and although they been speaking about her coming to LA for a while now she didn't know how he would react. She felt silly felling nervous about seeing the man she regarded as her best friend but it had been a few years since they were even in the same time zone for reasons she rather not be thinking of right now. After paying the driver Maggie collected her bags from the car before standing in front of the station looking up at the large building, hearing the car drive away Maggie's heart quickened knowing that she'd have to face it now, there was no escaping it.

Forcing her legs to move she walked into the firehouse, looking around Maggie was surprised to not see anyone about. The large shiny red fire engines shined in the morning sun and the station seemed to gleam and shine, it was so clean, pristine almost. Maggie felt out of place and just as she was about to turn and leave she heard someone speak


Maggie recognised the voice of her best friend immediately, looking around for the source of the voice Maggie finally glanced up to the large balcony where she spotted her best friend leaning his elbows on the glass railing that ran along the balcony, sporting his signature grin as he looked down at her before he jumped up from his spot and bounded down the stairs that lead to the balcony.

"Magnolia Ward, what on earth are you doing her"

Maggie met him at the bottom of the stairs his contagious grin forming on her own face as she dropped her bags and hugged him.

"What does it look like I'm doing Evan Buckley?" she asked with a laugh as he spun her around on the spot before setting her down, Maggie having to grab onto his bicep to steady her self as the room spun for a few seconds more.

"Still got your golden retriever energy I see " Maggie poked fun at him once her vision had returned to normal and she could see just the one of him.

"Massive golden retriever energy from this one" a new voice spoke from behind Buck.

"Who's this Buckeroo?" a male voice spoke this time.

Buck turned to face a man and woman stood the bottom of the stairs "Chim, Hen this this Magnolia, my best friend" he introduced her.

"Nice to meet you both and please, call me Maggie or Mags, Evan here likes to introduce me with my full name because he knows I'm not a fan of it" Maggie told them both, making sure to put emphasis on his first name and shoot him a playful glare.

"Anyway" Buck tried to move along the conversation "Do you want to come up and meet Cap?" He asked Maggie

"Sure" she replied before the four of them made there way up the stairs which lead to a seating area with a couch and television, a large black table with multiple chairs round it, family style and then a relatively large kitchen area giving the space where a man was busing himself making a meal.

"Uh Cap this is Maggie, my best friend. Mag's that's Cap and Athena" he told her pointing towards the man in the kitchen and a woman sitting at the barstools, the two of them wave "And this is Eddie" Buck introduces a man who had just come up the stairs, startled by the group and mostly the new person.

"Hi, I'm Maggie" Maggie introduces herself to the man trying to ignore how attractive his was.

"Eddie, Nice to meet you" he shook her hand.

"You too" She smiles

"What are you in town for Mag's" Buck asked her as he shovelled a forkful of food into his mouth a little while later as they all sat around the dinner table eating a delicious meal of carbonara. Maggie takes her time finishing her mouthful, thinking through her answer.

"I don't know, I just felt like a change" She shrugged, pushing her food around her plate, willing anything to get the attention off of her and as if by some divine intervention the alarm went off and the firefighters all started to rush off.

"Er-Mag's take these" He threw his- well Abby's keys at her "My shift finishes at six" he called to her as he jumped into the fire engine and they all sped off.

Maggie turns to Athena "and how does he expect me to get there?" she says with a chuckle.

"I've got no idea " Athena sighs making the two women laugh "Come on I'll drive you" Athena tells Maggie.

"Wow not even in the city for two hours and I've got a police escort" Maggie giggles as they descend the firehouse stairs.


Notes from Emzy,

Word count~ 1011

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my Eddie Diaz story, I told myself that I couldn't write and upload this chapter till I had finished the latest chapter of my Evan Buckley book Begin Again chapter four so feel free to go check that out too!

Happy reading, Love Em x

Serendipity | Eddie Diazजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें