where will they live?

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Branch smiled as he drank from his water bottle,he set it down and looked over to where Rhonda was. He inhaled deeply, then he exhaled. He was going to do this: he was going to ask his brothers if they would like to move into trollstopia and if they did where would they like to live? Branch took a deep breath and took a few steps only to stop. He looked nervously,what if......

A hand touched his shoulder, making him yelp and turn around,surprised, he then sighed with relief. "Boom. You startled me."

"Sorry branch." Boom said. "You doing ok? You look pretty tense."

Branch nodded "yeah, I'm just....a bit nervous about.... Well I'm a bit nervous about asking my brothers if they plan on moving in to trollstopia. And if they want to, where will they want to stay."

As branch spoke the other members of brozone: hype, ablaze and Trickee entered the room.

"there's a part of me that is saying please let them move into the bunker with me. I can easily get the rooms set up,and remove several items from each room. But what if... they decide they want to move into separate pods."

He turned and saw the other members. "How much of that did you guys hear?" He asked.

"Enough to understand what you are worried about." Ablaze said. "Look branch. I don't think you got anything to be worried about."

Trickee nodded. "I believe that your brothers are going to want to move into the bunker."

Hype nodded. "You got nothing to worry about man. I can tell that your brothers want to spend a lot of time with you to make up for lost time."

Branch smiled he hugged them. "Thanks guys." He said.

Poppy and viva were chatting.poppy was telling viva about trollstopia. Viva grinned excitedly.

"So viva. I was wondering..." poppy took a deep breath. "Would you like to move into trollstopia with the putt putt trolls? I mean if you can't that...that's OK I... I could cone and..and visit you and.... "

Viva giggled " poppy, I'd love to live in trollstopia and I bet the putt putt trolls will too. Now that we know we don't have to be scared of the bergans, there's no reason for us to hide anymore." Poppy smiled happily she then noticed branch. Poppy waved at branch. "Branch. Branch." She hurried to branch and hugged him.

Branch smiled and kissed Poppy. Viva squealed happily.

"Poppy. Hey. How's it going?" Branch smiled.

"I told viva about trollstopia. Hopefully the putt putt trolls will want to move into trollstopia since they no longer need to be afraid of the bergans." Poppy then looked away, what I'd they decided to stay put. I mean the hole n fun was their home.

"Poppy?" Poppy looked up to see branch gently tilted her head upward a bit so he could make eye contact with her.

"Poppy, everything is going to work out, viva is going to be a part of your life. I promise." Branch said.

Poppy smiled and hugged branch.

"So what are you up to branch?" Viva asked.

"I'm about to ask my brothers where they want to live." Branch replied.

Poppy smiled and kissed branch on his cheek. "want me to come with you?" She asked.

Branch took a deep breath "thank you poppy but. This is something that I need to do myself." Branch said. "I'll let you know how it goes later." Branch promised as he headed to talk to his brothers.

Life in trollstopia: after math of trolls band togetherWhere stories live. Discover now