Arran: So you want us, to talk to the mayor about Lily's situation so that Zephyrine can be prepared for when this sea witch POTENTIALLY gets here and attacks while you, Shay and Lily head down to Cerynue to convince the KING to lend his army to help fight her off and you're gonna do the same with the neighboring kingdoms and towns?

Skye: Yes!

Arran: Yeah, sweetie, I'm not sure how well that's gonna work.

Shay: Thank you! I tried to tell her but as usual, she didn't listen.

Skye: Well we'll never know until we ask!

Orla: I'm gonna have to agree on your father with this one Skye, we can't just walk up to the mayor and have casual conversation with her. She's a very busy lady and actually getting a chance to talk to her is slim to none.

Arran: And getting King Fraser involved is an even slimmer chance, we don't know if he'll even believe you when you warn him of this sea witch's arrival.

Skye: But-

Orla: Buttercup, I know you want to help Lily but I just don't know if this is gonna be possible.

Skye: How do we know if we don't try?

Shay: Skye, I can assure you it's not gonna work.

Lily: I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

Shay: Lily, don't encourage-

Skye: No! It wouldn't! Nothing bad is gonna happen to us if we try. So why not try?

Orla: Well.. I do see your point.

Shay: Ma.

Arran: However.. there's a chance the answer will be no and it's a big chance so just, don't get your hopes up, alright? You know what happens when you do.

Skye: Yes Dad, I promise not to get my hopes up.

Arran: You don't have to promise, just do your best not to.

Shay: Ma, Pa, you're not actually considering going through with her plan.. right?

Orla: Well.. we're gonna see what we can do.

Shay: Oh great King Magnus we're actually doing this..

She said, alarmed.

Skye: Yep! C'mon Lily, let's go!

As Skye takes Lily's hand and dashes out the door Shay steadily follows them out closing the door behind her. Leading us to the next scene. We fade to see the airship make its way to the ground and as it gently lands we see Skye hurriedly jump off the aircraft, not even waiting on the plank, where as Lily instead just flies her way down while Shay just walks down the plank.

Skye: C'mon Shay! We're wasting daylight here!

Shay: Alright! I'm coming, no need to rush me.

As the three make their way to the castle Lily takes notice of the fairies they pass, they're scared, sad, and worst of all, homeless. Lily is troubled by the sight and starts to dwell on what danger her mom and friends could be in. Cutting to Skye she looks up at Lily and sees her frowning and worried.

Skye: Hey, I promise you we're gonna help you and all the other fairies get back home, once we beat that witch! That's a promise I intend to keep.

Lily smiles at Skye's words but it's not enough to make her feel any less worried. We cut to see the front of the castle and the three walking up to the entrance, guards letting them through. Fading to the throne room we see the three girls walk in with guards holding the doors open and the three see two fairies pleading to the king.

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