Hailey: Same here, handsome~

Y/n: What?

Hailey: Nothing! C-Can I come inside?

Y/n: Sure, come in.

He let Hailey inside as he closes the door behind them.

Hailey looks around the house seeing how amazing it is on the inside.

Hailey: Your house is really amazing Y/n!

Y/n: Thanks, Hailey! I had it built before I moved here.

Hailey: Built? You had people built it for you.

Y/n: Yes, I had my people from my company send here to build my house. And I made sure to pay the workers properly for their hard work along with giving them a bonus so they can use it however they want.

Hailey was amazed by Y/n kindness and generosity.

Hailey: That's very generous of you, Y/n. I don't see that many people doing that for their employees.

Y/n: Sure, I'm the CEO of my company but the company is nothing without good hard-working employees. Don't you agree?

Hailey: I agree with you about that. Questions with a house this big, it must cost a fortune in electricity.

Y/n: Not really because I my own solar panels to charge up my house.

Hailey: Really!

Y/n: Yes, come I'll show you.

Y/n escorts Hailey outside to the backyard as he shows her, his solar panels on top of his house.

Y/n: See those panels up there.

Hailey: Whoa! There so many

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Hailey: Whoa! There so many.

Y/n: And I made them myself if I'm being honest.

Hailey: You did! But why? I bet you have so much money, you can afford to pay your electric bills.

Y/n: I believe in the alternate power source than continuing using fossil fuel that will soon run out in the future. Plus, it really bad for the environment keep in mind we need the trees and plants to live and breathe. Without them, big corporations will take advantage of the people and exploit them for profit.

And like that Hailey immediately fell in love with Y/n believing she found the man of her dream.

Hailey: *thought* He's perfect! Not only is he handsome and rich but importantly very kind, generous, and ego friendly like me. No wonder mom fell over heels for him when she back home. But first...

Hailey then asked Y/n a question.

Hailey: Excuse me, Y/n.

Y/n: Yes, Hailey?

Hailey: Are you perhaps... single by any chance.

Y/n: Actually I am. I haven't had chance to date anyone, I was too busy helping people making their lives better.

Hailey: *thought* Perfect!

Y/n: Anyway, look at the time it already getting late. Shouldn't you go home by now. Your parents will get worried.

Hailey: Oh right... *thought* Dad... ugh! I hate him so much! Him and his stupid CIA stuff if he wasn't paying for my tuition and giving me a place to stay then I would've been long gone from here.

Y/n escort Hailey back inside as he takes her back at the front entrance.

Y/n: You're welcome to visit again. I'll be happy to enjoy your company.

Hailey: I'll keep that in mind. Bye, Y/n!

Y/n: Bye, Hailey! Tell your mother I said "hi".

After that Hailey walks back home as she pulls her phone out of her pocket and start texting to someone.

Back at the Smith's residence...

Francine is in the kitchen making dinner as she heard her phone ring seeing it from Hailey.


Hailey: Hey, mom!

Francine: Hey, Hailey! How did it go?

Hailey: He's exactly how you described him! He's so handsome and charming~ Not only that Y/n is my type of guy.

Francine: That's good to hear, Hailey. I told you; you'll like him.

Hailey: So, mom...

Francine: What is it, sweetheart?

Hailey: I was wondering... would it be ok if we share him together? I know you're not the type to cheat but I can tell you're struggling with handling dad on the daily basis. This could be your chance to meet someone new or... at least find someone who will treat you better than dad.

Francine: Hailey...

Hailey: I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked.

Francine: Hailey... You have no idea how long I waited someone to ask me this! You right! Your absolutely right! Your dad has been a pain in the ass ever since we got married. I barely can do anything without him causing trouble me or ruining it because of his idealism.

Hailey: So, you'll be ok with sharing, Y/n.

Francine: Absolutely!

Hailey: Great! But how do we get his attention?

Francine: I have an idea, but it depends on you.

Hailey: What is it that you need me to do.

Francine: I was thinking... we can make a video and send it to him.

Hailey: What kind of video?

Francine: A video about you and me... having sex. What do you think? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. Is your choice after all if you want to do it.

Hailey: N-No, it's just that... wow. Having sex with my own mother is something I only see in porn videos.

Francine: What do you say?

Hailey: Let do it!

Francine: Great! Umm... when do you want to do it?

Hailey: We can do it tomorrow; I don't have class tomorrow so I'm free that day. Steve, Roger, and Dad will be out of the house whole day. And we can just leave Klaus in the kitchen, so he doesn't hear what we're doing.

Francine: Perfect!

This is going to be exciting!

End of Text...

After the conversation has ended between them, they both yell in excitement.

Francine/Hailey: YES!!!

Francine and Hailey then went on with the rest of the day like normal until the next morning when things start getting heated between them.

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