The Beginning

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In front of the X-mansion, two figures holding something small and covered walk up to the door, shielding the baby from the cold rain.

"We can just leave him here," a male voice says he sounds no older than ten.

"But he's our baby brother!" A young female replies she sounds desperate her grip tightens over a baby in a blanket.

"They can take care of him better than we can." The boy replies he grabs the baby from his sister and gently places him near the step, not giving his sister time to argue with him he knocks on the door and runs off picking his sister up.

A woman answers the doors she appears to be in her twenties, her long red hair flowing gracefully down her head she looks around, not seeing the poor baby at first.

"Odd." She goes to enter inside again only to hear the babies cries she immediately picks up the baby and looks around frantically, hoping that it hadn't been abandoned. When she saw no one, she took it inside.

Male reader x Peter parker Where stories live. Discover now