Chapter 5 : Shocking News

Start from the beginning

Feeling tears forming in my eyes, I  run toward him before getting on my knees and lay my head on his lap

" *sob* I-I am so glad....  *sob* tha-that you're okay"

Feeling his hand on my head and hearing his soft voice, it made me calm down

"There, there.. I'm here right? "

Hearing him say that I notice something...


Fran is not here... Looking up to him I asked...

"Fran.... Where is Fran...? Where is my sweetheart..? "

Seeing him avoiding my gaze.... It instantly made me panic...

"I-I don't know Rimuru... "

"Wha-what do you mean...? "

Asking him again, Sir Velda then came in the room to answer the question...

"It's because your daughter have been taken by someone"

Turning around I looked at him with a questioning and worried gaze before carrying on with my question...

"The-then... W-who is the one that took her...? "

"That... I don't know, the only thing that Velzard told me is that she can't sense your daughter anywhere when she used her [Magic Sense] when she was searching for your daughter..."

Hearing him.... It immediately filled my heart..... Grabbing my head I proceeded to have a mental breakdown

'No... No, NONONONONO! I.... failed.... I failed to protect her.... '

Before I know it Sir Velda had already help me get up and sitted me on a chair beside Shizue.... With him trying to calm me down....

"Calm down Rimuru... Why don't we-"

"How am I supposed to calm down Shizue!? Our Fran is not here! She could be... She could be... *sob*"

"Shhh.... Calm dowm, I don't think Sir Velda is finish with his statement.... "

"Indeed.... I have my suspiciouns.... She may have been taken by the slave trader or bandits... Since that is the only logical explanation I can com up with.... and Charys won't waste his time to take care of your daughter... So you can rest assure Miss Rimuru"

Hearing this, you can See in my eyes that it's filled with some hope again.... Looking at him, I asked...

"Does that mean there is a possibility that she is Alive...? "

"Yes.... there is a high possibility that she is still alive and was only sold to Slave traders or bandits.... Though her life won't be too good.."

Without wasting anytime,I quickly got up from my sit and go back into the room that I was treated in before grabbing my dagger and reaching out to grab Shizue...


I was suddenly stopped by him...

Turning around I looked at him...

"Why are you stopping me..? Don't you want to search for our Fran...? There is a chance that she is still alive out there... No...she is still out there... I'm sure of it"

But the response that I got from him is pure silence.... Before opening his mouth...

"I-I do.... but I cant... I don't have the energy to move freely..."

Raising an eyebrow from his statement, I asked...

"Wha-what do you mean by that..? "

"Umm... It means that I... Umm.. "

(Dropped) Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita RE: Rimuru ScouringWhere stories live. Discover now