I sat down and farhaan looked at me and smiled, I picked him "mumma" he said in childish voice and giggled as I tickled him.

I never thought mother feels this much happy as their kid call them mom or mumma.
But here I'm feeling happy even thought he's not my real son.
But one thing is clear my feeling for farhaan is eternal.

I and atharva broke the hug, I wiped off atharva's tears from his cheeks "aren't we farhaan's strong parents and your his hero" I said and giggled, he shook his head and placed a kiss on my forehead "I don't know how are you stopping your tears to fall down" I smiled at him


Next day~

I start preparing breakfast for everyone, last breakfast with farhaan, he slept with us last night as I want him to sleep with us for last time.

Farhaan still don't know that Ishita and Kabir is his real parents, I talked to my personal investigators about Ishita and Kabir and they told me they're really his real parents.

They're not acting.
Everything is real.

For once I want all this lie, I don't want him to leave me.

I arranged everything I made on dinning table with the help of maids, I went to hall and saw everyone present their expect farhaan and atharva, we decided to tell farhaan everything as he is kid, he'll cry for a day or may two or maybe he'll happily accept his parents.

Farhaan came with atharva downstairs "Good morning everyone" farhaan said and everyone smiled at him, I room a deep breath "farhaan" he looked at me "Yes mumma?"  He said.

"Remember them?" I said pointing at Ishita and Kabir, farhaan looked at them and nodded "they're your real parents" I said and Atharva put him down on ground "real parents?" He said "you're my real mumma na then how can they?" I inhale.

I walked toward him and sat on ground, matching his height "bacha, I found you in orphanage, you never had a family so I adopt you, they're your real parents who gave you birth" I said with heavy heart.

He looked at Ishita and kabir and then at me "it's okay, anyways I'll live with you and papa right" he asked me with innocence in his eyes, years filled in my eyes and shook my head "you'll go with them to your new home" 

"You will be there with me na?" He asked me "No, they will be there with you" I said and he start crying "mumma, are you punishing me for eating ice cream with papa without telling you? Please don't do this I'll do 20 situps but not this" he cried, holding my kurti.

Tears left from my eyes too "papa, tell mumma to forgive me please"  he hits on Atharva's knee while crying, he looked back at me "mumma I'm sorry please" he holds his ear from his one hand and other was holding my kurti, in fear, that if he didn't hold it I'll disappear.

I hugged him "I'm not punishing you farhaan, they're your real parents, they're here to take you with them" I tried to make him understand, he Buried his face in my chest and start sobbing "mumma tell them I don't want to go anywhere" he said "they're your parents, they want to be with you too you've to go" I sobbed as I said.

"But I want to be with you and everyone" he said, I pressed my lips together, arya and raj came, I stood up  and raj picked him and wrapped his arms around him with tears in his eyes, farhaan was still crying shouting my name.

I closed my eyes and opened them and walked away, I can't see him crying, neither I want him to leave not I want to keep him away from his parents.

Author's pov~

Ishita and Kabir cried as they saw their kid crying telling he don't want to go with them, atharva too left after inayat, farhaan looked at his real parents with face wet with tears.

"You-you're my parents na?" Ishita and kabir nodded and walked towards him with tears continuously rolling down from their eyes.

"I beg you please don't take me with you please"  farhaan said making everyone cry "Maa hu, tumahri khushi ke liye jaan bhi de du apni yeh toh bhut choti si chij maang li mere bache ne" . Ishita said to farhaan with smile on face, a tear rolled as she said.

Kabir put his hand on her shoulder and smiled with tears in his eyes "jao aapne mumma papa ke pass" kabir said and farhaan smiled, ishita wiped his tears with her pallu.

Raj put him on ground and farhaan ran away to his mumma papa room.


Inayat's pov~

I cried as I entered in my room, atharva entered in room and hugged me, I cried even more, I looked at his face who was crying too "will he be fine there?" I asked "he'll maybe" he said.

"Mumma, papa"  I heard farhaan voice, we broke the hug and looked behind at farhaan, he was smiling widely, he runs toward us, I picked him "mumma they'll not take me anywhere" he said

I looked at him and then Atharva, door opened once again and our family members entered inside the room with Ishita and kabir.

Ishita and kabir walked towards us with smile on their face "Devaki ji gave birth to Lord Krishna but he had upbring by Yashodha ji and Nanda ji just like that I just gave him birth, farhaan's belongs to you, you love him and he loves you too equally and he asked me not to take him with us then how can we deny our child first wish?" Ishita said and looked at farhaan.

"Apna sab kuch aapke pass chordkr jaa rahe hai ham, khayal rakhiye ga iska"  Ishita said and looked back at me, ishita and Kabir joined their hands "Janne ki izzazt dijiye" they said with smile.

"You didn't eat anything have breakfast-" . I cut in between by Kabir "Thankyou but we don't have appetite to eat anything" he said, I nodded in understanding and they left after glancing at farhaan for once.

I looked at farhaan "Mumma loves you farhaan"  I said as I joined my forehead with him, he giggled "farhaan loves mumma too" he said "and papa loves you both"  I looked at atharva as he said, he placed his one hand on my waist and other around farhaan.

We both smiled at him "farhaan loves papa too" Farhaan said to him with grin on his face "hm.. I guess your mumma doesn't love me". Atharva pout, I Chuckled at him.

"No mumma does, mumma say papa that you love him"  farhaan said to me, I looked at atharva who was smirking at me "How can I love a chamkadar farhaan"  I said and he giggled with me but stopped as he saw atharva.

"No more jokes say it to papa, see he's so sad" i looked at atharva and smiled at him, I moved my face close to him and whispered "Tu es dans toutes mes pensees, je t'aime"


Moonlight |✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora