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Returning home after such a long walk did not stop the determined Guangshan from training. In his younger years training started off because he wanted to become like his ancestor, a great warrior, but recently his train has more so become to drown out his own feels and thoughts.
His training goes smoothly as always yet recently it isn't even a struggle anymore until he hears a blade clash against his metal hand fan.
Startled Guangshan takes a step back realizing he was so close to somebody just now.
"Did I startle you? Well my apologies... my agents and I saw this run down shag and thought nobody was living there but then we saw you. Impressive...very impressive how you are so skilled. Do you train with a blindfold on for some...excitement?"

Guangshan still has the succumb from the shock. Usually he hears people sneak up on him or he can sense movement in the wind yet now...he didn't feel any of that. He forces on a smile and would smile at where the voice is coming from."I'm blind. I just decided to cover up my eyes since I keep frightening people away with my eyes" he admits honestly to this stranger.

"You are blind and fight so well?"

Guangshen hears the voice from behind him as once more he didn't sense anything about this man yet this time his smile grows and he remains standing. "It is quit rude to sneak up on a poor blind man such as myself. But agents you say? Are you part of the fatui? I heard many stories from my family"

"All positive I hope?"

"The opposite. My family despises you" he said and flicks his fan open so he can slowly start fanning himself for some cool air.
"But I will allow you and the agents to stay. I can span some cloths for more cover since I do not want anybody in my home"

The man couldn't help but crack a joke while circling this blind man. His blue eyes scan all over this man to take in his appearance in great detail "and why won't you allow us in your home? Can you even call it that when the place doesn't have a door, it is so run down it will be seen as abandoned like me and my agents thought"

"Accept it or leave" Guangshen said with a smile yet it is clear he is serious he walks to his home and goes inside yet this time he did hear the man enter his home due to the cracking of the wooden floor as it creaks with each step.
"I told you not to enter my home...it is bad as it is I allow you to stay here" the other said yet when he turns around he doesn't quite realize how closer they are actually standing.
"May I know your name?"

The man closes in the distance more so that Guangshan is forced to be pressed against the wall with his back yet this way Guangshan just reaches over the dresser and manages to find a knife hidden within it.
"Childe. If your family hates the Fatui surely they will despise me as a harbinger...I would advice you to put the knife down unless you want to fight me"

Guangshen continues to smile and shows the knife in his hands. "I don't know why my family holds such a grudge but it would be quite a title if I were to kill you. Guangshan, killer of harbingers" he grins.

Childe couldn't help but let out a laugh finding the other amusing. And even when Guangshan strikes and they begin to fight he finds this very amusing as well. "Hey, for a blind man you fight really well" he said and they leave the house trough the doorway while fighting yet when outside the agents stare at these two fighting with all they have...
while they are smiling.

"I have been training since I was a child. Naturally I am more talented then somebody who can see yet only has been training for a few years" he said and manages to tear a piece of Child his cape off. Although blind he fights as if he can see. The fast yet dramatic movements of the other makes Guangshan able to predict his next move in the wind yet he didn't expect for the harbinger to put him in a headlock.

Childe has a arm wrapped around the man his neck from behind and keeps him in place having a grin on his face. He never thought a blind man could fight so well let alone be so fast and even graceful with his movements.
He is swift like he is a spider weaving a web around its prey, he has the grace of a butterfly yet the force and strength of a ferocious tiger.
"Who is your master?"
He asks wanting to know who trained Guangshan as he dodges Guangshan trying to stab his face resulting in the grip on him getting tighter around the other his neck.

Private Affair (OC BACKSTORY) (Guangshan x Childe)Where stories live. Discover now