Blood and Snow

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Vince focused his camera on Rody's dying body. His body was covered in a mixture of blood and snow. Blood poured from his mouth, his face mixed with fear and desperation. Something about this scene just felt so….mesmerizing, which gave Vince another reason to take a picture. Vince had to continuously wipe the camera lens due to the blood dripping from his hands. After what felt like forever, Vince finally got all of the red substance off the lens. He squinted his eyes, adjusted the lens, and finally...




Glass softly fell onto the snow, small drops of blood following it. Vince looked down in shock before looking back at Rody, except he wasn't dead. Infact, he didn't look like he was dying at all. Instead, Rody was sitting up, pointing a crossbow at Vince. His face was full of anger and he looked like he was out of breath, though it's probably due to the cold. After staring at him, Vince started getting light headed, his vision becoming more blurry by the second. With limited time left, Vince lowered the camera, breaking the arrow as blood poured out of his eye socket, with part of the arrow still in his eye. He ripped the remaining of the arrow out of the lens and put it to his other eye.


A bright light flashed causing Rody to close his eyes, but only for a second. Once he reopened his eyes Vince wasn't there. He wasn't standing. He was on the floor, dead. At least, Rody thought he was dead. Vince was lying on the ground, surrounded by red snow. Rody carefully reloaded the crossbow and aimed it at Vince's body in case he got back up. He slowly got back up, now shaken up by what had just happened. His mind was racing, what should he do? Should he just shoot Vince again just to make sure he's dead? Or should he just leave him to die in the snow?

He finally decided he'd shoot him. Just to make sure he's dead. Vince killed Manon, so he was going to finish the job to avenge her. Manon….She wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want Rody to kill him. She didn't date a murderer. Even after Vince killed her, she would've wanted him alive, striving in life and becoming a better person than he was. But it's not like Rody could go back and save him. Vince was dead. He wasn't moving and blood was everywhere. It was too late for him. He had been lying there for about 5-10 minutes. It would have been a miracle for Vince if he was still alive. Rody, still aiming the crossbow at the corpse just feet away from him, started leaving. Leaving the corpse there to freeze. Sure, the cops would find him sooner or later but it's not like they would suspect Rody. What evidence would there be? Yeah, there would be the arrow and the footprints of his boots but it's not like there was a way to connect him to the crime. So he left. Rody left Vince's corpse to freeze in the snow, never looking back.

To be continued...

Word Count: 534
By: JustAnIdiot

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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