My face laid against my hand, my eyes squished so I couldn't see well so there was no reason to talk about me seeing the board. I was glad that it was the last period but the time went by so slowly that the kind-of happy smile was wiped off my face.

Everything the teacher said went through my other ear, there was nothing appealing to me, nothing interesting.

It suddenly went quiet, it felt a bit too wrong. I looked up, seeing my teacher's face staring back at me. Now more alert, I lifted my head fully, seeing more eyes on me. I took in a deep breath, stretching in the process. "M' sorry, please continue." I smiled, lazily, already planning to zone out after he started talking again.

"As I was saying, please meet your new classmate, Hwang Hyunjin." Curiosity filled me hearing the word new classmate. My head that was turned away, looked up again for the second time. My sight was a bit hazy, a problem being my seat which was right next to an open window. As my eyes accommodated to the brightness, I focused on the student.

My heart dropped to my stomach, my throat became dry and I stopped an annoyed groan about to escape my lips. That face, the familiar face I met on the rooftop, the same guy that snapped at me. The one that I called a beanpole.

He looked around, giving little smiles. "Hello my name's Hwang Hyunjin! I hope we all get along!" That sick and fake excitement almost had me laugh out in amusement. Funny.

"Okay Hyunjin, you can go sit next to Yeonjin at the desk in the back." I furrowed my eyes at the specificness but shrugged it off nonetheless. "Yeonjin, please raise your hand."

I lifted my hand as told, not wanting to waste my energy. Hyunjin's eyes landed on me, his head turning away but there wasn't any effort on hiding a smirk. A loud cough, and clearing of his throat before he made his way to me. A composed posture, he had that benefit of gaining attraction from kids already so there was no more use in trying to compete against him in anything.

I couldn't tell if I was hearing things but I could swear a small "idiot" escaped his mouth. I jerked my head up at the words, giving him an annoyed glare. His lips contorted into another one of those innocent smiles.

I noticed how the boy's hair was fluffy and just tossed, you could tell he didn't care. He acted as if the school was at his fingertips, he acted as if now he was crowned king.

"Now class as we were discussing before, the trip will be paid for as the camp has just recently finished with construction, and with us being the first school there, they were nice enough to cover it." A camp. What camp?


"This is why I can't trust you to get anything, stupid." Seolhyun scolded me, receiving a sheepish smile from me. "You are so lucky we have a school group chat."

"Okay, see, even I don't know what the camp trip is." My hand held the cold drink, switching to the other hand since it was warmed up. I trailed my eyes over to my friend's phone, messages popping up one after another. Only a few were about the camp and the rest were about Hyunjin. So obsessive.

Oh my god, I can't believe I have a class with him

I heard his sister is even prettier

I wish I had at least one period with him

You know those other guys? The one's whose families own all those properties and stuff– I heard Hyunjin and them were childhood friends

Where is the camp

The last message I read was exactly what I was thinking amidst all the sending. I didn't expect all this to be going around for some guy, one who probably is some fraud. His spot. He just arrived that day and he claims it's his spot.

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