Chapter 1: Movie Night

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After a long day of hard work, Thomas the Tank Engine was finally making his way home. 

Thomas; "It's been a long day. I can't wait for a nice rest."

He stopped at a signal. Sir Topham Hatt's car was right beside him.

Sir Topham Hatt: "Thomas. There's a movie being shown at Tidmouth Sheds for the driver's and firemen. Do you wanna come?"

Thomas: "Yes, sir."

Sir Topham Hatt: "Splendid. I need you to pick up some popcorn for everyone. I'll see you there."

Thomas: "Of course, sir."

And Thomas set off to help out. He picked up a popcorn popper on wheels.

Thomas: "I didn't know we even had something like this."

He arrived at Tidmouth Sheds. All his friends were already there.

Thomas: "Hi, guys."

Percy: "Thomas! You made it!"

James: "The movie is about to start."

Thomas: "What's it called?"

Henry: "It's called, The Mountain Queen."

Thomas: "Really?"

Edward: "Yeah. It's starting."

Thomas watched as the movie started. The drivers and firemen began to to watch.

Toby: "Here we go!"

Emily: "Shh! It's starting!"

Thomas saw that the movie started out in a cave. It showed strange looking creatures. They had long noses, and were grey.

Thomas: "What are they?"

As he watched, he began to fall asleep.

Thomas & The Mountain Queen: The Movie!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt