A Normal Morning in the Hands of Mother Nature, Part 1

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Today seemed to offer a sense of tranquility not usually found on any other day of the week.

The sun seemed to beam down gently on the land. The grass looked softer than usual and moved with a light sway along the light winds. The leaves in the trees seemingly dancing along to silent music.

The beauty of mother nature was softly disturbed by the rustling of leaves and branches in a nearby Red Maple tree.

Through the thicket of bright red leaves was an equally bright orange feline, stretching and arching its back after laying in a rather uncomfortable position on the branch overnight, letting out a soft yawn.

After a minute of soft grooming, the bright feline took notice of the peaceful aura that consumed the land.

Maybe today might actually be peace-


A loud yelp escaped the cat's snout as a rather loud and deep bark sounded at the base of the tree.

Peeking down to the forest floor, the feline known as 'Blarg' spotted a large black curly haired canine perched up along the tree's trunk with a fast swaying tail and flashing its pearly white fangs, a dog's equivalent to a smile.

Blarg gave out a soft sigh before finally responding,

"Yes Droid-"

"GOOD MORNING" The Labradoodle barked back louder than before, swaying his tail faster at the sight of his feline friend.

The bark caught the far leaning feline off guard, causing the poor animal to tumble quickly to the soft grass down below letting out a long yowl of fear as he reached the bottom.

Unfortunately, the assumption that all cats land on their feet did not apply to our friend Blarg who laid motionless next to a baffled and worried Droid.

"Holy shit! Blarg?! Are you okay my guy?" Droid asked with urgency, not sure if he should go get the others for help or stay with the cat.

A muffled groan escaped Blarg as he shifted to a better position to lay in, Droid quickly relaxing at the pained sound.

Before the canine could get confirmation that Blarg harbored no serious injuries, a raspy squeak accompanied by quickly moving footsteps made its way to the empty distance between Blarg and Droid.

The soft light brown, seemingly pink, rodent took a few small sniffs at Blargs laying body before whipping its tiny hands along its face and whiskers.

"Jesus Christ Blarg, what happened?" the rat asked, giving another sniff before continuing, "And why do you smell worse than Grizzy's hibernation den?"

The cat quickly shot his head up with a low hiss towards the rodent, "Well good morning to you too, you can thank loud mouth over here for stealing yet another one of my nine lives" he stated, glancing at the assailant. "And I don't know what you are talking Pezzy, I smell perfectly fine"

The rodent referred to as Pezzy quietly rolled his eyes and proceeded to step a few feet back to give the feline room to get up before stating the real reason why he came to check on the two.

"The others are already waiting at the spring, so I suggest y'all hurry up before the guys decide to stink it up with whatever is hidden under that fur of theirs"

The rodent quickly turned around to quickly enter deeper into the forest leaving the two behind in silence.

Droid turned to Blarg, who was wincing in pain with each step he attempted, and cocked his head to the side before asking "You think you'll be okay to make the journey to the spring?"

The cat scrunched his snout at the implication that he might actually need help before bowing his head low in defeat, he most definitely wouldn't make the journey on his own 4 paws.

Droid nodded and proceeded to lay his chest against the grass to allow Blarg to hop on his back with minimum effort.

Once Blarg was safely settled into the canines back fur, Droid proceeded to dash into the direction Pezzy left in.

All that was heard through the forest was Blargs hisses and curses at his friends poor manners towards an injured passenger and Droids howls and barks of joy at the feeling of the fresh wind blowing throw his fur.

Ah yes, just another day of chaos for the pack of unexpected friendships.

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