Meeting the kids

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Y/N was out of a job and her parents pressured her into getting some form of a job as she is 17, William, Or Mr. Afton hired you to babysit C.C and Elizabeth afton. He told you that there was a moody teen named Micheal afton because Nobody could trust him on his own, He was thrown into the mix Y/N had to look after🙄. Micheal is 16, C.C is 8, And Elizabeth is 6.

It was friday night, Mr. afton (The owner of Fred bear's family diner) asked if you could Babysit tonight. So Y/N (Being poor af) took the job and biked(Y/N's parents didnt buy her a car) to the Afton family residence.

"Ugh, A babysitter? Im going to my room, Dont bother me!" A tall (But shorter then Y/N) Boy said he had dark brown fluffy hair and blue eyes

The boy stops up the old creaky wooden stairs and slams what can be guessed as his room's door

"Oh.. Uh, Ok" Y/N says before turning to the smaller boy with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes with tear stains around his eyes and his sister a short girl with ginger hair and big doel-like eyes

"You must be C.C and Elizabeth" Y/N says looking down at C.C and Elizabeth her hands on her knees to stableize herslef

"Wana play dolls?" Elizabeth says running over to Y/N excitedly as C.C sits shyly in the corner. Elizabeth keeps jumping around "Do you like dolls? Lets go to my room! Can we have a tea party? We can invite our dolls! We can make micheal wear a dress! Do you have any dresses?" Elizabeth keeps saying

"Yeaaah, I do have dresses" Y/N says nervous becuase of excited and hyper this kid is

"Then lets have a tea party! I can make tea! C'mon C.C lets have a tea party too!" Elizabeth grabs C.C's Arm and drags him upto her room with Y/N following

Later after Elizabeth's tea party Y/N walked over to C.C

"Hey what's that?" Y/N said calmly pointing to the fred bear plush C.C is holding tightly in his arms

"Oh.. Uh, I-It's fred b-bear" C.C says quietly looking down shyly

"Ohh fred bear like the family diner your father owns?" Y/N says sweetly smiling at C.C

"N-no I-I h-hate that f-fred bear" C.C says looking down tears trickling down his face.

"No! Dont cry!" Y/N says trying to comfort him

While C.C is crying Elizabeth is falling asleep and when they finaly manage to fall asleep Y/N should leave as it's getting late and she has to get home

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