Tarzan then morphed into another creature to fly up to the castle.
Gobu – Remember I asked about a chameleon? I was right! But with wings?!

Tarzan now transformed into something he only recently learned of.
A roar of a dragon was heard to some that could hear, though most were distracted by growing chaos.
Backyards turned into battlefields, bakeries into sanctuaries, streets filled with guards trying to preserve order, animals like magpies who try to get out of the way and many refugees who already contemplate  leaving for Old Corona… perhaps they feared & prepared for this happening for a while now.
Bombs, stones, spears and even Bayangor fireworks were shot at many areas of Corona.
All the officers try to quell the uprising, and potentially attempted takeover, using allthe training they had and new weapons they got including ones made by Varian.
Their armour,  gas bombs, swords , bullets… and also Automatons who are dispatched in guards' place if they are outnumbered.
If it goes too far, Officer himself is allowed to show zero restraint.

People were getting blinded. Slashed &dragged , gassed. Shoved to ground… with multiple factions launch full out assaults their rivals using the confusion to their advantage.
From infiltrated separatists to escaped criminals… a bad timing indeed.
Sunshine may indeed fall not to hordes of invaders but armies of rioters sneaking on roofs and causing fires.
How did it start like this?
Maby would ask… but reality is that its long been coming. All that necessary was just a nudge, the last straw.
And it happened…
Increased civilian deaths…
And now the death of a certain girl… whom everyone loved… who risked her life trying to feed her family…
And that concluded the patience…
People were angrily at the entrance of the castle… tearing everything down on streets… and there were many malevolent actors who utilised it… but none came closer to inciting the invasion as the traitors within.
Nobody knew who shot first…
Some say it were gangs from within crowds trying to provoke the guards…
Some say it were ethnic saporians gunning down the disloyal  civilians…
Never the matter, it was over now…
Everything about it will be depleted eventually…
People will be tired, hungry, thirsty, scared more so than before…
No drinks will be able to help this…
No more 'business as usual' routine.
All of these things are going to dry up as a civil war goes on…
Competence & condition and connections will all be affected.
And it doesn’t matter how much you’ve trained. How many resources you’ve stockpiled and prepared. And now one one knows who is who's side through all of it.
All of that will go away as more time Passes…
Rapunzel – All except pain…
Rapunzel was hurt, badly hurt… perhaps it's too early to say that but… she feels like she failed them.
She heard of match girl… she couldn't help but feel guilty over her fate…
Then again her mind was convinced it would’ve happened regardless. There was more than enough tension to go around here.
Rapunzel – Given all our preparations we should be able to restrain them right?
Cassandra – That's the hope if nothing else comes up.
Then Pete came to them.
Pete – Your highnesses! There's a jailbreak! Saporians left their cells!
Cassunzel – What?!
Rapunzel – How did they get out? Did they break they break down the doors!?
Pete – They didn't….
Rapunzel rubbed her temples…
Cassandra – Let me guess, our own employees are saporians…
Pete – Unfortunately a lot of them turned on us… however it appears they got into a fight with other criminals and serial killers that escaped their cells. We did managed to lock up the entry door to the dungeon so we have some time.
Rapunzel – I am certain there will be Saporians in the streets as well very soon.
Anyone above the age of 18 will be targeted by them unless they get caught up in crossfire.
Cassandra – Or even Brotherhood insurgents…
After that wannabe dictator Trevor ruined their Homeland Ingvarr, Saporians found new competitors in their misadventures…
Rapunzel looks down at the streets close by, seeing Kairi fighting some pitch black beasts...
Looks like the heartless won’t let any incitement go to waste...
Rapunzel – Well, it seems that we won’t be able to get out of this mess, unscathed.
Cassandra – Like the old days...
Pete nodded in agreement.
Rapunzel left the balcony and gone back into the castle. Have to ensure safety of her parents and others before any uninvited guests reach the upper levels.
Kristoff looks outside seeing all the chaos.
He feels frustrated that they couldn’t leave earlier... now it’ll be even harder to do so.
Kristoff looks at Sven with some relief before turning towards others.
Kai – It is good you were inside when this all took place.
Gerda – What shall we do master?
Kristoff – I told you.... *sighs*... alright listen Faith and other staff members here are arming themselves.... I hate to say it but... an enraged crowd won’t listen to us.
The staff members were all very worried. Not just for their own lives, but that they’ll now have to face their compatriots.
Olina – But what about the children?... surely you won’t allow them to carry weapons?...
Kristoff – Absolutely not. Tell them to go to the underground chamber, that’s where Rapunzel told us to go. It should be safe there assuming this all goes good enough for us.
He also seen Namine going there with her parents... he isn’t sure why but something tells him that’s where to go.
Window then broke behind him as he noticed a rock landing on the floor.
A man jumped in and attacked Kristoff with an axe.
Kristoff narrowly dodges before Sven pushes the hooded man against the wall.
“Always by your side he is... same Sami deer lover as ever”
The man then lit up a firework and at such close range, it may leave burns.
Sven took Kristoff out of the way before charging for the entry door.
“You won’t escape anywhere! Me and the others are already inside! It’s only a matter of time brother!”
Kristoff could only respond with anger.
Kristoff – We may be share same blood... but you are no brother to me if you continue this!
Kristoff threw a book at his face right as he was taking another shot, redirecting it at the curtains.
Kristoff didn’t waste any time before charging at Bastion, tackling him to the ground.
He struggled to keep him down though
Bastion – Didn’t think you’d be here! Looks like fate favoured me with this chance!
Bastion eventually headbutted Kristoff and threw him close to the fiery curtains.
Bastion – I’ll take down this sorceress and YOU with her.
Bastion shoots again at the entry before Sven could give another charge.
Bastion – Stay out of this. No one will save you now...
Kristoff looks up at his estranged brother once again...
Kristoff – You say you value Brotherhood but all I see in your eyes are Blood lust. It’s a shame...
Bastion took hold of Kristoff’s head and tried moving it towards the flame.
Bastion – I agree, it is a shame...
Kristoff did everything in his power not to let that happen.
Yet he could feel the heat closing in on him, with part of his inner self fearing that this was it...
‘Anna, I’m sorry...’
And at that moment, suddenly he didn’t feel the hand on his head anymore...
In fact it fell off, allowing him to step back from the fires...
And then he saw what happened.
Bastion was on the floor with blood coming out of his stomach...
“W-Whyyyy....I thoughttt.... we maaade... a deal...*coughs*...”
Kristoff then looks at where he’s watching, there was a woman standing there in the dark robes...
And you broke it... you could maim him but not kill him... looks like you didn’t take me seriously... May your soul find it’s place in the Shadowlands
Bastion could only feel anger as more blood and life was leaving him.
Kristoff then tries to use a blanket to stop the blood loss.
Bastion felt pain as he trued to do so but also shock.
Even after all of that, he still tries to help? How? Why? He’d kill him on the spot and he tries to keep him alive?... to face punishment maybe? Or does he actually still care?
Bastion - *coughes* gaaah.... you really cared huh...
Kristoff – Like I said... you’re no brother to me but we are still family...
Remembering their mother, Bastion couldn’t help but chuckle one last time...
Bastion – A shame indeed... what a waste was my deed...
And with those last words, he began to breath heavily as a fatal whistling was heard...
One , two , three , four...
And so the death took another life in it’s embrace...
Kristoff shed one tear after life left Bastion’s eyes, he then closed them for good.
With Wolf taking his soul, there were only two people left in the inflamed chamber...
With fire coming off from her boots, leaving ashes in their trails...she walks closer to Kristoff who looks up at the mystery figure wwith some contempt.
I hope you won’t hate me... He wanted to kill you, I couldn’t let that happen...
Kristoff stood up slowly as to not provoke a bad reaction.
Kristoff – Perhaps but you could’ve just knocked him out. He was family after all.
Family... ah yes, closest one has to best friends if you have none... but even they can one day leave you...
He noticed it was a woman with a silver curly hair...
Kristoff – We have to get out before everything burns!
He finds her hand on his shoulder, stopping him...
No need...
And as she said that, he sees the flames from all around him instead channelled to her feet...
Absorbing all the flame...
Sven, Gerda, Kai, and Olina came in...
Olina – Min konge! Are you-
They see Bastion on the ground , deceased and they see Kristoff with an unknown figure who is holding a pistol og kniv/sverd...
Don’t worry, I came to take you all with me...
Kai – We shall not go anywhere until you-
She then motioned him to stop talking, and instead looks Kristoff in the eyes.
And again Kristoff sees something familiar in those eyes...
Take off my hood, and you’ll see...
Kristoff looks at Sven who is uncertain.
Kristoff still does exactly that....
.....And what he saw shocked him and the others...
Cassandra – Pete they have to keep the line strong. No one should pass.
Pete – I understand. But what about a prisoner revolt?
Cassandra – Adira will be coming with us. Let’s see how tough they are...
As the two proceeded ahead, a little girl is seen with pitch black eyes following them...

Anna's familyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant