Chapter 25: Genesis

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The morning sun streamed through the windows, Meena and Aoom stirred awake from their unintentional slumber on the couch. Aoom's voice echoed in the living room, urging them to wake up and start their day. They had drifted off on the couch instead of going to bed the night before, and now they were paying the price for it.

Meena slowly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings and stretching her arms above her head. She let out a groan, still feeling sleepy and disoriented. 'Mmm, what time is it?' she asked, struggling to open her eyes fully due to the brightness.

"It's 8:15am," Aoom replied, causing Meena to snap her eyes open in shock. "Shit, we are already behind schedule,' she exclaimed, sitting up too quickly. "Charlotte is gonna be here any minute," she added, turning to Aoom with a worried expression.

"Hey baby," Aoom said softly, grasping her arm gently and guiding her back into a seated position. "It's okay, we still have a pretty big window of time. Just calm down, okay?" She whispered the last part tenderly while stroking Meena's arm, coaxing her to relax.

Meena took a deep breath, allowing Aoom's soothing touch to calm her nerves. She nodded, feeling the tension slowly dissipating. "You're right," she said, managing a small smile. "We still have time to get ready."

Aoom nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with reassurance. "Exactly. Let's just focus on getting ready and not worry too much about being behind schedule. They will understand," she said, her voice filled with confidence.

Meena nodded again, feeling grateful for Aoom's calming presence. "Thank you," she said softly, reaching out to squeeze Aoom's hand. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Aoom smiled warmly, squeezing Meena's hand in return. "You don't have to worry about that," she said softly. "I'll always be here for you."

Meena's worries started to fade as she felt the warmth and comfort of Aoom's touch. She nodded, grateful for her partner's support. Her eyes wandered towards the hallway that led to their bedrooms. "I'll go get ready," she said, getting up from the couch. "Could you please wake up Althea? We don't want her to miss breakfast."

Aoom smiled warmly, nodding in agreement. "Of course, I'll go get our little one up," she replied affectionately, rising from the couch as well. The love and understanding between Meena and Aoom were evident in their shared glance.

With Meena getting ready and Aoom off to wake up Althea, the house was filled with a sense of love and warmth. As Meena put on her comfiest clothes, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her family. They were her rock, her haven in this chaotic world.

Meanwhile, Aoom quietly slipped into Althea's room, taking care not to startle her awake. She gently shook her daughter's shoulder, whispering, "Wake up, honey. It's time for breakfast." Althea stirred, rubbing her eyes and yawning before offering her mom a sleepy smile. Aoom's heart swelled with affection for her daughter as she helped her get ready for the day ahead.

"What's for breakfast?" Althea asked, sitting on the floor and pulling on her socks in preparation for the day.

"We're having delicious omelets made by Mom, and then Auntie Char and Auntie P'Fa will come to pick you up, okay?" Aoom replied softly, crouching down to Althea's level to answer her question.

As they sat around the breakfast table, Althea looked up at her moms with a puzzled expression. "Why aren't I going to school today?"

Aoom and Meena exchanged a knowing glance, silently communicating their plan. Aoom cleared her throat before responding, "Well, sweetheart, today is a bit different. We thought it would be nice to have a special family day together."

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