"Home Invasion/Jason"

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The next day....


(Phone Ringing)

Lucas - "Hey Tess, what's up?"

Jason - "Hello, old friend."

Lucas - "Jason? You son of a bitch. Where's Tess?"

Jason - "Oh, don't worry, Sinclair. She's Okay....for now. She's hot and her little sisters adorable too."

Lucas - "I swear to God, if you hurt them - "

Jason - "Woah, woah, woah, calm down, Sinclair. Just come to her mom's house right now and we'll talk." (Hangs Up)

Lucas - "Jason? Jason? Fuck!"


Lucas - (Rapid Knocking) "Tess?! Tess?!"



Lucas - (Waking Up)

Jason - (Laughing) "Hey, sleeping beauty, Sinclair. You're finally awake."

Lucas - (Headbutt)

Jason - (Punch)

Tess - "Stop it!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Emily - (Crying)

Tess - "It's okay, Em. Everything's going to be okay."

Jason - "You sure about that, sweetheart?"

Lucas - "Don't - "

Jason - "Well, boy's here we are, all reunited once again with Lucas Sinclair. The one who walked out on us and moved away."

Lucas - "I walked out on you because you all were going crazy. For fuck sakes, you still are. Jason, look at yourself. How long have you've been doing drugs now? All of you, how long have you've been doing it? Why are listening to this asshole? Get help and stop - "

Jason - "You don't fucking tell them what to do! I do! Y'know, Sinclair, your sister didn't really have to go out if you'd just join us."

Lucas - "....What do you mean by that?"

Jason - "...."

Lucas - "What the fuck do you mean by that?! Did you kill my sister?!"

Jason - "Yes."


Jason - (Punch) "You're not going to do shit to me. Understand? Nothing."

Lucas - (Crying)

Tess - "Lucas?"

Lucas - (Crying)

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