"Ouch!" he exclaimed, wincing

Ragini stopped in her tracks, concern flickering across her face as she approached him. "Rudra, are you okay?"

He sighed, rubbing his leg tenderly. His leg fracture had been sensitive given the stress they were going through since last week.

Ragini scolded him gently, "You're always telling me to take care, but are you even taking care of yourself?"

Rudra chuckled, "Well, I've been busy taking care of a stubborn sister who doesn't listen to me."

Their argument softened into a shared smile. They decided to set aside their differences and take care of one another. They sat down together, feeding each other food as a gesture of reconciliation and care.


The tension in the air was palpable as Ragini and Sanskar sat beside each other in the hospital room. Neither knew quite what to say, their minds swirling with thoughts and emotions they struggled to articulate. The recent events had cast a stark light on the shifting dynamics between them.

Sanskar glanced at Ragini, desperately wanting to break the silence but unsure of where to start. He cleared his throat, the sound echoing in the quiet room. "Ragini, I..." He trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the turmoil within him.

Ragini met his gaze, her own expression a mix of uncertainty and longing. "Sanskar, I..." She faltered, the weight of unspoken truths heavy upon her shoulders.

They sat in silence once more, the distance between them feeling more profound than ever.


The day ended in jist

Next day Ragini walked through the temple gates, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of recent events, Sanskar and his recovery, she found herself drawn to the peaceful aura of the place. She approached the main shrine, offering up a silent prayer, finding a moment of peace amidst the bustling activity surrounding her.

Lost in her own world, she turned a corner and collided with someone, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Startled, Ragini looked up to see a young woman standing before her, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Ragini exclaimed, scrambling to her feet and dusting herself off.

"It's okay, no harm done," the woman replied with a smile, offering Ragini a hand up.

Ragini accepted the gesture gratefully, taking a moment to study the stranger. There was something about her presence that felt strangely comforting, as if they were meant to cross paths.

"I'm Ragini," she introduced herself, extending her hand.

"I'm Kushi," the woman responded, shaking Ragini's hand warmly. "Nice to meet you."

As they exchanged pleasantries, Ragini couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter was more than just a chance meeting.

"Are you okay?" Kushi asked, noticing Ragini's distracted demeanor.

Ragini hesitated, uncertain how much to reveal to a stranger. But Kushi's kind eyes encouraged her to open up.

"I'm just... feeling overwhelmed, you know, just worried about someone and also life?" Ragini confessed, her voice soft with uncertainty.

Kushi nodded empathetically. "I understand that feeling," she said vaguely, a hint of concern in her voice.

Ragini furrowed her brows, curious about Kushi's cryptic response. " What's been bothering you?"

Kushi offered a small smile, but her eyes betrayed a deeper worry. "It's just life, you know? Sometimes, it's hard to keep up with everything."

Ragini nodded in understanding, realizing that Kushi was grappling with her own challenges. "I get it. Life can be tough sometimes."

Kushi's smile widened slightly, grateful for Ragini's empathy. "Exactly. But we find ways to keep moving forward, don't we?"

Ragini returned the smile. "Yes, we do"

Kushi nodded, her expression filled with warmth. "take care of yourself out there."


Ragini entered Sanskar's hospital room to find Abhay and Rudra in conversation with sanskar. Abhay was explaining the events after the phone call with Sanskar that day.

"Just after I ended the call with you, I received a message from an anonymous source with Ragini's location," Abhay recounted. "I didn't believe it at first, but then the person kept insisting, and the location where you were was nearby."

Sanskar and Rudra listened intently 

"Who was the person who helped us?" Rudra inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

Ragini pondered for a moment, her brows furrowing in thought. "I think I know who the person might be," she murmured, her mind racing with possibilities.


Next update coming tomorrow

so stay tuned !

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