
Adarsh wasted no time in informing Sujatha about Sanskar's condition, and together they hurried to the hospital to be by his side. Sanskar had regained consciousness a few hours earlier, but his frail state only served to deepen the concern etched on their faces.

Rudra had taken Ragini back home with him, ensuring she was safe and cared for and Abhay, remained steadfast by Sanskar's side

As they entered the hospital room, Sujatha's heart broke at the sight of her son lying in the bed, his face pale and eyes weary. Tears welled up in her eyes as she approached him, her motherly instincts overwhelming her.

After some time, Sujatha's worry for Ragini crept into her thoughts, and she turned to Abhay to inquire about her well-being. His reassurance that Ragini was with Rudra at home provided some comfort, albeit fleeting, as her mind remained consumed by Sanskar's fragile condition.


Shekhar and Sharmistha sat together, the weight of recent events heavy on their shoulders. Laksh being taken to the police station and the news of Ragini's kidnapping left them both deeply concerned.

A sense of regret washed over Shekhar as he realized his own daughter was in trouble, yet he had been completely unaware. His attempts to call her went unanswered, her phone switched off. Panic surged within him – was she safe?

With trembling hands, he dialed his mother's number, needing to share his worries. Dadi listened intently as Shekhar explained the situation, her heart sinking with each word.

She badly wanted to curse him, but her worry for her granddaughter outweighed the anger she had towards Shekar. She hurriedly dialed Rudra's number but he didn't answer the call. She was hesitant but then she called Rudra's mother, who answered the call and assured her that Ragini was fine.

But Dadi wanted to ensure Ragini's safety, and made up her mind to visit Rudra's house. She needed to see her granddaughter with her own eyes and ensure she was truly unharmed.


The police interrogated Laksh, pressing him for details about his dealings with Anirban.

"He demanded money from me," Laksh admitted, his voice tinged with frustration and fear.

"Why didn't you inform the police?" the officer inquired, probing for more information.

Laksh hesitated for a moment before responding, "Because he blackmailed and warned me."

The officer scrutinized him, sensing there was more to the story. "That's only part of the truth, Mr. Laksh Maheswari," he asserted. "There's more you're not telling us."

Laksh shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "He knew about a business deal I was hiding from my family," he confessed reluctantly.

The officer leaned in, his gaze intense. "And what was this deal?" he pressed.

"I pledged our home for a loan to finance a project," Laksh admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Anirban found out and used it to blackmail me. He also started causing problems with the project, and I paid him off to stop him."


At home, Rudra was irritated with Ragini's insistence on going to be with Sanskar.

"Ragini, your health is just as important," he insisted, his tone firm. "If you keep throwing tantrums like this, I won't let you leave the house."

Ragini's frustration was evident as she retorted, "I'm not a child, Rudra! I am lot better now"

In her agitation, she pushed a chair aside, not noticing Rudra's proximity, causing him to yelp in pain as he grabbed his injured leg.

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