Welcome To Zephyrine City!

Start from the beginning

Lily is reluctant to even mention her but she has to continue.

Lily: A powerful, but evil witch and, to prevent her from getting to the other side.. my mom.. she had to..

Due to the thought of her mom and friends being in danger she chokes up, she couldn't bear to finish the sentence and starts tearing up again.

Lily: She.. she destroyed the portal from the other side. And now I have no idea on how to get back home and.. I have no where to go... -Sobs-

Skye: Well that's not true.

Lily: Huh?..

Shay: Huh?

Skye: You can stay with us and our family if you want. Our parents are known for their hospitality. Wether you're family, or friends, or someone who could use some help, they've got you.

Lily: You'd.. do that?..

Skye: Yeah! We're a family who helps anyone in need! Right Shay?

Shay: Hehe.. will you excuse us for just a moment?

Shay takes Skye a little bit away from Lily, wraps her arm around Skye's shoulder, and whispers to her.

Shay: Skye what do you think you're doing?!

Skye: Helping her? Y'know, like Mom and Dad would.

Shay: We don't just let complete strangers stay in our house! Do you know how dangerous that is?! She can't stay with us Skye.

Skye: But she looks to be about my age, and she's all alone, and scared! You know we can't just leave her here to fend for herself!

Shay: Skye, none of this is our business, we can do our best to help her but she can't stay with us..

Skye: I want you to look at her and tell me she'll bring any harm to us.

Shay rolls her eyes and looks back at Lily for a split second. She sees Lily, standing and waiting politely with her forearms behind her back. Then she shifts her head back to Skye.

Shay: Okay, maybe she's not a danger to us but she's still a stranger.

Skye: Then let's make ourselves familiar.

Shay: Skye no-

But, Skye rushes back to Lily.

Skye: I don't think we've exchanged names yet, I'm Skye, and that's my sister Shay over there.

Lily: Lily.

Skye: Nice to formally meet you Lily.

Skye turns back to Shay with a smug look on her face.

Skye: So now that we're familiar.. what do you say Shay?

Shay looks at Skye unamused and unimpressed but sighs and gives in.

Shay: Fine, she can come with us, but it's up to Mom and Dad on wether she can stay with us. Not me, alright?

Skye: HA! Yes!

Shay: Alright, let's go.

Skye: C'mon Lily!

Lily is stunned by their kindness, she can't help but to smile. She follows them back to their airship to which we fade to the next scene, the airship in the sky. We cut to see Lily on the side of the ship with her arms leaning on top of the railings.

Skye walks over and stands by her.

Skye: So... how are you doing?

Lily: I'm.. okay, at least for now. Thanks to you.

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