Amy Rose

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"Huh, so this is what Tom must have felt that day." Sonic said, but his voice was different. It was a higher pitch, and didn't hold the serious edge. He stepped inside and gave a wave. "Hey! I'm Sonic." he said.

Amy looked up, she was still on her hands and knees

"And this is Tails and Knuckles." Sonic continued as the other two stepped in. Now that they weren't standing in the light, She could see them better. Sonic was blue... and his eyes were green. The fox stood on one side of him, large ears listening to me, blue eyes studying her,  and two tails swishing behind him. Knuckles was the largest and stood looking ready for anything. He... felt familiar though... Amy was not sure how. His violet eyes watch her just as Tails' did.

It was then Tails approached and knelt in front of her. Amy started to retreat, but paused... then he smiled. "It's okay, we wont hurt you." He said. "Do you have a name?"

Amy hesitated. Was it possible this could be a trick?...Then again, She sensed nothing that would have suggested it might be. She swallowed, and answered. "Amy..." She said, her voice quiet and meek. "Amy Rose..."

As Amy finally spoke, Sonic and Knuckles approached, She tensed as she sensed them. While Knuckles, he felt like a warm glow, like a well maintained fire. While this fire could be dangerous if misused, it was warm, and familiar. And oddly, Only Knuckles seemed to feel my sensing.

He looked at Amy "Who harmed you in such a manner?" He asked, his voice almost a growl, though Amy doubts he meant it to be a growl.

She looked at her arms. Was She hurt? Or did he mean the scars?

Amy didn't answer, but pulled he arms in close.

Sonic made a face and gave he a once over with his own gaze. "Well, you look cold." He said. "I can make hot chocolate."

"Whats... Hot Chocolate?" She asked.

This earned a grin as he stood and offered a hand. "Come in where it's warm and I'll make you some."

Amy looked at his hand, hesitant. Usually open hand like that lead to firm grips that were followed by the prick of a needle. She shivers, looking at his other hand and the hands of his friends... no needles... Maybe... Amy takes a deep breath and carefully grasp his. He matched her strength and gently pulled, bringing her to her feet. He didn't let go as he lead Amy to the door and into the Home.

Amy sat down on the couch under a blanket while Sonic moved about the kitchen, getting four mugs of hot chocolate going, Tails had joined him while Knuckles remained behind. He stood nearby, looking at her with what she could only guess was a mix of distrust and curiosity. Amy looked back at him. He was powerful, that much Amy could tell just by looking. But there was a loss there too.

He lifted a hand and waved it as if to bat away a fly. "I kindly ask you stop that."

Amy blinked.

"Your energy feels prickly, and I dislike it."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Amy answered, looking down

Knuckles grunted, but didn't say anything else as Sonic and tails came back with the mugs of warm drinks. "Oh don't mind him." Sonic said with a smile as he offered Amy a mug and Tails gave one to Knuckles. "He's usually pretty grumpy. Especially around new people."

Amy carefully took the mug, surprised by the warmth it gave off, but just holding it helped her feel warmer. She closed her eyes and held the mug close, smelling a strange, sweet scent wafting from it. the smell itself was soothing, and she soon felt herself settle into the couch.

"So, where did you come from?" Tails asked as he sipped from his mug.

Amy opened her eyes again, wondering how to answer. "My world is kinda lost" Amy looked down again.

"Why what happened?" Tails pressed.

Amy bit her lip, thinking back to what happened back home... She held the mug a little tighter. "Because... The Zeti took over my world, I had to run from my home, lost my family and friends, ended up in a snow covered area before wishing to be safe and ending up here.."

Knuckle's gaze softened slightly, but he said nothing.

Sonic sat on the other side of me. "Think the Master Emerald had something to do with her coming here?" he asked.

"I... guess?" Tails answered, not sure what a Sci-Fi movie was. "At least, thats how it started."

"How does it end?" Knuckles asked, sipping his own hot chocolate, then blinking as he stared at the drink for a moment, as if surprised by the taste.

Sonic made a face at this. "Well. You're here now." He said. "And those Zeti things won't touch you. Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady will make sure of that."

"Who?" Amy asked.

"They're Sonic's folks." Tails answered. "They're really nice."

Amy smiled at this. Maybe this place was safe.. With this in mind, she finally take a sip of the warm drink. She have to swallow quickly before she gasped. The taste was very sweet, and the texture was soft and creamy while the heat of the drink warmed her right down to my very core. "It's good." She comment, more out of surprise than anything.

Sonic laughed. "Of course it is! It's Hot Chocolate. Pretzel Lady made it for me one night after I had a nasty nightmare. It helps calm ya down."

"I like it." Amy answered and sipped more, enjoying the drink.

Knuckles took another sip as well, Amy wondered what he's thinking about. Amy's stomach growls. Knuckles looked at her before looking at the nearly forgotten food on the coffee table and picked up a bowl of small purple balls attached to each other by sticks. He offered the bowl to her. "Sounds like you're in need of food. I don't think the Pizza would taste well with the Hot Chocolate. But these grapes should help."

"Thank you.." Amy answers, accepting the bowl from him and plucking a grape from the sticks and tried it. She jumped at the sudden sweet-tartness it gave, as well as the juice that burst from the little fruit. Amy covered her mouth in surprise at the taste before swallowing. "Those are amazing!"

Sonic and Tails laughed and Knuckles chuckled. "I am in agreement." Knuckles answered. "Grapes are the Amazing."

"Oh god there's two..." Sonic chuckled, looking up when the power returned to the house. "Hey! We can finish movie night!" He said, though he looked at Tails, then at me, humming in thought. "Though I don't think Jerassic Park would be a good one with our new friend. He went back to the movie stack and looked through them before smiling and pulling out a movie that had a round looking man on it with a pointed nose and a couple little yellow people. "Despicable Me aughta work better. End it on a laugh." He said.

He put the movie in an dimmed the lights again. Amy had never seen a movie before. It was late by the time Tom and Maddie came back home. Tom looked up at the house and grinned. "No flames, or broken walls..." he said. "Looks like everything went smoothly."

Maddie smiled. "You're right, I was worried over nothing." She answered. "Guess I'm still on edge from the last time Robotnic showed up."

"but, he's gone." Tom told her as he opened the door to the house. "And all is well." He looked into the house and noticed how quiet it was. Pursing his lips, he looked into the living room and smiled. There were the three boys, Sonic and tails were sleeping on the couch, a remote loosely held in his hand and Tails' tails were lightly draped over him, a spare blanket over the young fox. There was a pile of blankets on the other end of the couch, and Knuckles was lightly snoring in the recliner.

Tom and Maddie shared a smile as they carefully lifted Sonic and Tails and took them upstairs to bed. Knuckles was too heavy to move comfortably, so when Maddie came back downstairs, she grabbed the blanket Tails was wrapped in and draped it over the sleeping warrior.

"See?" Tom asked. "all is well."

Maddie nodded in agreement before noticing that the blanket on the couch was breathing. Maddie slowly pulled the blanket down to reveal Amy.

"A pink hedgehog?" Maddie gasped

" Thought Sonic was the only one" Tom replied

" Me too" Maddie said " Anyway this is a discussion for another day"

Tom and Maddie then headed upstairs to bed.

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