How to croshet

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if you already know how to croshet you can skip this but just know what terms i use

sk (slip knot)
c (chain stitch)
s (stitch)
tc (turning chain)
fo (fasten off)
hds (half dubbel stitch)
ds (dubbel stitch)
ts (trippel stitch)
ss (slip stitch)
mr (magic ring)
in (increasing)
de (decreasing)

those are the basic things i will use i will now explain how to do them

SK (slip knot)

C (chain stitch)

Hold the hook in your right hand and the yarn in your left hand. Insert the hook into the slip knot, if it isn't there already.Hold the end of the slip knot between the thumb and middle finger of your left hand.Bring the working yarn over the hook from back to front (aka "yarn over"). Rotate the hook slightly to catch the yarn in the bowl (or mouth) of the hook. Pull the hook through the loop on the hook. One chain stitch is complete.

S (stitch)

Start with a chain of 11 stitches or how many you need for the project. (You can use the starting chain that we made in the previous section.)Then, insert the hook into the second chain from the hook.Bring the yarn over the hook from back to front. Draw the yarn through the chain to pull up a loop. (You will now have two loops on the hook.)Next, yarn over again. Draw the yarn through both loops on the hook. You will now have one loop on the hook, and your first single crochet is complete.

TC (turning chain)

After you turn the work, you'll need to make one or more chain stitches. These chain stitches, called the turning chain, bring the yarn up to the correct height to work the first stitch of the next row.

The number of chains in the turning chain depends on the height of the stitch you'll be making in the next row.

Single crochet: one chain Half-double crochet: two chains Double crochet: three chains Triple crochet: four chains

row 2 is almost the same as row one

Turn the work and chain 1. (The turning chain worked at the beginning of a single crochet row does not count as a stitch.)Insert the hook under the top 2 loops of the last stitch of the previous row. Yarn over from back to front. Draw the yarn through the stitch and pull up a loop. There will be two loops on the hook.Yarn over again, and pull through both loops on the hook. There will be one loop left on the hook. The single crochet stitch is complete.

FO (fasten off)

Cut the yarn, leaving a 6-inch yarn tail.Use the hook to up draw the yarn tail through the loop on your hook.Remove the crochet hook from the work, and pull on the yarn tail to tighten it.

HDS (half dubbel stitch)

1.Yarn over, and insert the hook into the next stitch.
2.Yarn over, and pull up a loop.
3.Yarn over again, and pull the yarn through all three loops on the hook.

DS (dubbel stitch)

Yarn over. Insert hook into the next stitch, yarn over, and pull up a loop.Yarn over, and pull through two loops on the hook.Yarn over again, and pull through both loops on the hook.

TS (trippel stitch)

Yarn over twice. Insert the hook into the next stitch, yarn over, and pull up a loop.Yarn over, and pull through two loops.Yarn over, and pull through two loops.Yarn over, and pull through both loops on the hook.

SS (slip stitch)

Insert the hook into the next stitch, yarn over, and pull through the stitch and the active loop on the hook.

it is very eazy

MR (magic ring)


The magic ring is worked in two parts. First, we'll make the adjustable loop. Then, we'll work whatever stitches the pattern calls for into that adjustable loop. (Note: This tutorial uses standard US terms and demonstrates a right-handed method.)

Step 1: Create the Loop

Place the yarn tail in your open left hand.

Wrap the working yarn around your index and middle finger twice. Cross the yarn in front to form an "X," with the working yarn hanging behind your fingers.

Pinch the yarn with your thumb to hold it in place, and rotate your hand toward you until your palm faces down toward the table. Looking at the back of your hand, you should see two parallel strands of yarn. The left stand is the working yarn, and the right strand is the yarn tail.

Step 2: Insert Hook and Yarn Over

Hold the crochet hook in your right hand. Insert your crochet hook from right to left, underneath the right strand of yarn.

Grab the left strand of yarn (working yarn) with your hook. Pull it under the right strand and rotate your hook up to form a loop. (Note: This loop does not count as a chain stitch.)

Step 3: Chain Stitches

The number of chain stitches you make in this step depends on the type of stitch used in the first round of the pattern.

If your pattern starts with a round of single crochet, you'll make 1 chain.If your pattern starts with a round of half double crochet, make 2 chain stitches.If the pattern starts with a round of double crochet stitches, make 3 chain stitches.

i find this one very had to do and it took me atleast a month to master so if you cant do it first try thats very normal

IN (increasing)

its very simple. all you have to is just do 2 of the stitch you are doing in one row under

DE (decreasing)

this is a littel harder.

1.Identify the 2 stitches you want to decrease over.
2.Pull up a loop in the first of the 2 stitches (2 loops on hook)
3.Pull up a loop in the second of the 2 stitches (3 loops on hook)4: Yarn over and pull
4.through all 3 loops on the hook.

you can also do it with more then 2 but that is way harder.

coment if you have something you want to croshet so i can add a patren or if you have a quistion.
for evry patern you will need to be able to do:
so if you cant do these yet learn them better. i will tell you if there is anything else that you need to know for the padren and will rate it  how hard it is on a scale of 1 to 10

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