Chapter One

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I could hear them arguing downstairs, even with my earphones screaming my music down my ears. I could still hear them.

" She isn't our daughter! Why does she have to be so fucking difficult?!". My foster mum yelled. " Want me to sort her out?" My foster dad asked. " She has her door locked, I already tried to get in.". " Well, what's she doing up there? She's quiet, which is strange.". " Probably listening to that god awful music.". " I'd rather her be quiet listening to that shit than hearing her play that fucking bass guitar one more time.". He growled.

I rolled my eyes, scrolling through my phone to try and ignore the lovely conversation they were having about me again. " When does she go back to Hogwarts?" " Two weeks from now. Which means the house is gonna be a mess.". My foster mum sighed. " Unless.". " Unless what?" ." We don't let her go back to Hogwarts this year. We could homeschool her.". " As if I'd want to teach that brat anything.". My foster mum scoffed. " Think about it, darling. The brat can keep the house clean. We can take our frustrations out on her, and I can even have the fun I've been threatening her with all summer.".

I froze, turning off my music and listening carefully. " You think Dumbledore wouldn't ask questions idiot". " We tell him we sent her to a different school. Why would he go asking questions about her after everything he did. Come on, love, it'll be like having our own personal slave.". " Fine, we'll see how it goes, but I'm warning you now. If she keeps up with this attitude and little lifestyle she has going on, I'll kill her.". " Fuck" I whispered.

I jumped at the sudden bang on my door. " Open this door now!" My foster dad yelled. " No! I'm not letting you in.". " Open this door, or I'll take it.". I stayed quiet, hoping he'd go away, but I jumped, hiding the corner when I heard his drill going.

He suddenly pulled the door away and threw it against the wall. I looked at him in terror as he stormed in the room. " Come here.". " No!" I let out a scream as he grabbed my hair and pulled me out of the corner. He threw me to the bed, " Your mother told me everything, Freya.". " She isn't my mum! Just like you're not my dad!" I yelled at him. I felt my face fall at the grin that spread across his face. " I hoped you'd say that.". I let out a scream as he jumped on the bed beside me, fighting against me until he pinned me down and took what he wanted.

I sat in the corner of my room in my underwear, crying silently as he put my door back up. " Next time let me in, it'll be easier," he spat before slamming the door closed, making my jump.

I trembled as I sat cold, alone, and scared. He assaulted me. He may be a dickhead but he raised me. Real dad or not... I couldn't wrap my head around it.

I jumped when my phone went off. I slowly picked up my phone and saw my friends were texting in our group chat.

" So I can't help but notice none of you bitches have text in a while" Pansy's text read.

Freya BlackWhere stories live. Discover now