The Silence In Her Heart.

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Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.I never underwood her heart, she'd just give me a cold stare. Anytime she stared at me I felt like throwing up right then and there. It was torture, but I loved her.

I wanted to see her happy, I wanted to see her beautiful smile, I wanted to make her see me as her own. I was slowly becoming obsessed over her. One day she called me a nuisance, I let her take her anger out on me because I loved her, so I just smiled.

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She gave me a disgusted look, as if I'd done a a crime of some sort or disappointed her. I was still pleased. As long as she gave me attention—or even talked to me for that matter I'd be happy, delighted even.

January 19th was the day that I left her life. I wanted her to be pleased and yet, she yelled at me "I want you out of my life! I don't want to see you, you're just an eye-sore, you'd be better off dead!" The room went silent and tension filled the air.

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"I'm... sorry, Daniel." She murmured. That was the first time I heard her say my name softly. "No, it's.. Fine." I reassured, my breathing becoming more shaky as tears welled in my eyes. I left her room silently and went outside.

She wanted me dead, so I'd leave her life for good. I opened my car door, inserted the key and drove. I arrived at a bridge, climbed on the railing—and let myself fall. She was going to be happier, she was going to be pleased for the first time in years, all because of me.

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My heart stopped, and for the first time in years I heard her heartbeat. My body felt warm, tears dripping down my face as I heard her heart finally feel something for the first time.

I heard her voice, screaming my name in fear, anguish, and concern. As if she'd actually loved me. As I laid silently on the pavement, the last thing I saw was her beautiful face, sobbing down on me.

 (The End.)

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 18 ⏰

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