Different and Similarities

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**Being an only child POV**


-Doesn't have to share anything with siblings

-Doesn't need to argue or fight for anything

-Usually gets what they need

-Doesn't have a roommate at home

-Has all the attention for themself


-Alone, usually needs a friend or playmate to play with

-Bored, doesn't have anyone to argue or chase around the house

-Always the one getting dragged into things

**With Siblings**


-Sometimes gets what they want (50% of the time)

-Never alone, has someone to play with at home

-Has that someone that can defend them 

-Literally laughing to their sibling if they get scolded by the parents


-Getting into trouble

-Being the target for the pranks, teases, etc.

-No privacy (only like 20% of privacy)


Word Count: 114

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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